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LibXL for Windows Retail

LibXL for Windows Retail
LibXL for Windows Retail | 16 Mb

LibXL is a library that can read and write Excel files. It doesn't require Microsoft Excel and .NET framework, combines an easy to use and powerful features. Library can be used to

Generate a new spreadsheet from scratch
Extract data from an existing spreadsheet
Edit an existing spreadsheet
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TCFLib 2.4.0 for Delphi XE10.1 Berlin

TCFLib 2.4.0 for Delphi XE10.1 Berlin
TCFLib 2.4.0 for Delphi XE10.1 Berlin | 166 kB

Here you will find the various components that will facilitate programming and further enhance your application, and make development much faster and practical. TCF library components are also available for Delphi XE10.1 Berlin . Enter option components from the menu above and know a little more about the TCF library, the component library adopted by thousands of programmers.
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FIBPlus 7.6 Delphi 10.1 Berlin

FIBPlus 7.6 Delphi 10.1 Berlin
FIBPlus 7.6 Delphi 10.1 Berlin | 612 kB

FIBPlus is a library designed for developers of database applications. Since the beginning of development of this product, Devrace wanted to work in accordance with the needs and wishes of the developers. The components, methods, or properties are there to solve problems and perform the most common tasks.
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ComPort for Android USB 2.5 Delphi/CBB XE6-10.1 Full Source

ComPort for Android USB 2.5 Delphi/CBB XE6-10.1 Full Source
ComPort for Android USB 2.5 Delphi/CBB XE6-10.1 Full Source | 2 Mb

Delphi and C++ Builder serial communication library for USB serial devices for Android.


Uses usb-serial-for-android library
Suports FT232R, CDC/ACM (Arduino Uno), CP2102 and CH34x chips
No special root access privileges needed
Available for Delphi/C++ Builder XE6 - 10.1
Source code included in full version
Royalty free distribution in applications
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