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NGS Templater for .NET v6.0.0: ModifyInMemory (C# Source)

NGS Templater for .NET v6.0.0: ModifyInMemory (C# Source)
NGS Templater for .NET v6.0.0: ModifyInMemory (C# Source)

Templater is a reporting library designed to be easily integrated into third party apps. Main goal is to allow document design and customizations by business users or developers/designers. Library has a minimal interface for providing data which allows easy integration via its generic API. It works by binding provided data with Word and Excel templates to create final reports. Instead providing you with a custom report editor, Templater will consume documents which were created in Word/Excel or some other editor. Templater understands most of Word and Excel features; which allows various companies, non-profits and developers around the world to create very complex reports in a fraction of time and cost.
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DIXml 5.18.0 for Delphi 10.4 Sydney Cracked

DIXml 5.18.0 for Delphi 10.4 Sydney Cracked
DIXml 5.18.0 for Delphi 10.4 Sydney Cracked

DIXml is an embedded XML, XSLT, and EXSLT processing library for Delphi (Embarcadero / CodeGear / Borland). It is build on the libxml2, libxslt and libexslt libraries. However, DIXml requires no DLLs or any other external files whatsoever. All required code is compiled completely into the application's executable. DIXml is the most feature-complete XML and XSLT solution for Delphi.
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