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GroupDocs Metadata for .NET v17.6.0

GroupDocs Metadata for .NET v17.6.0
GroupDocs Metadata for .NET v17.6.0

GroupDocs.Metadata for .NET API is easy to integrate with C#, ASP.NET and other .NET based applications to help your end-users manipulate metadata from a range of images, documents and other media file formats without installing any external software. The .NET metadata library supports building tools to quickly add metadata viewer, editor, remover, extractor, comparison and exporter functionalities within a number of industry standard document formats such as PDF, Microsoft Office Word, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations, Outlook emails, Project, Visio diagrams, OneNote, images, AutoCAD, Photoshop, audio, video and metafiles.
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ZylGpsReceiver.NET 3.20 Cracked

ZylGpsReceiver.NET 3.20 Cracked
ZylGpsReceiver.NET 3.20 Cracked

ZylGpsReceiver.NET is an event driven .NET framework / component collection that communicates with a GPS receiver. It returns latitude, longitude, altitude, speed, course, heading and many other useful parameters of the current position and the parameters of the satellites in view. The component is extended to calculate distances and make conversions between different measurement units and there is also an extension for google maps support, to be able to visualize the GPS positions in real time on a map engine.
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SSMSBoost add-in for SQL Server Management Studio v3.6.7072

SSMSBoost add-in for SQL Server Management Studio v3.6.7072
SSMSBoost add-in for SQL Server Management Studio v3.6.7072

SSMSBoost enhances SQL Server Management Studio and adds features like export to excel, results grid search, sessions history, destructive DML guard and many other. The main goal of the project is to speed-up your daily tasks as DBA, SQL developer or data miner, additionally protecting you from occasional data or code loss. Shortly after the installation you will realize that plug-in saves you hundreds of mouse-clicks and key strokes every day !
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Camunda Optimize 3.4.0

Camunda Optimize 3.4.0
Camunda Optimize 3.4.0

Camunda Optimize supports continuous process and decision table improvement by providing transparency into your automated workflows and decisions. Business-friendly reports and dashboards as well as alerts help you to identify process bottlenecks and improve your overall end-to-end process. It works out-of-the-box, and the installation is very simple. Learn more about Optimize in detail below.
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