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Themida | 15 Mb

WinLicense combines the same protection-level as Themida with the power of advanced license control, offering the most powerful and flexible technology that allows developers to securely distribute trial and registered versions of their applications. WinLicense is a powerful protection system designed for software developers who wish to protect their applications against advanced reverse-engineering and software cracking. Developers do not need any source code changes or programming experience to protect their applications with WinLicense.
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Basic4Android 5.20 Retail

Basic4Android 5.20 Retail
Basic4Android 5.20 Retail | 4 Mb

Basic4android is the simplest and most powerful Rapid Application Development (RAD) tool available for the Android platform

Basic4android includes all features needed to develop great, real-world Android applications
Compiled applications are native Android applications, there is no extra run-time or any dependencies
Our community with over 50k developers is waiting to help you get started
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Blumentals WeBuilder / Rapid PHP / HTMLPad / Rapid CSS.2015

Blumentals WeBuilder / Rapid PHP / HTMLPad / Rapid CSS.2015
Blumentals WeBuilder / Rapid PHP / HTMLPad / Rapid CSS.2015 | 105 Mb

WeBuilder is a faster, smarter and more powerful all-in-one code editor for web developers. Clean interface, quick startup, superb flexibility and powerful features allow you to create and manage code written in HTML, CSS, jаvascript, PHP, Ruby, Python, ASP, SSI, Perl and other languages faster and easier, while integrated tools enable you to validate, reuse, navigate and deploy your code in an efficient and sophisticated manner.
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SubSystem RTF to Image Converter 8

SubSystem RTF to Image Converter 8
SubSystem RTF to Image Converter 8 | 3 Mb

RTF to Image Converter offers a simple and hassle free method of converting from RTF or plain text to various image formats within your application. You will make just a couple of function calls to do the conversion.

No other external components or programs are need when you use this converter. The converter includes a powerful RTF parser and pagination tool used by our TE Edit Control product to offer a cost efficient, feature-rich and robust translator.
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Debenu PDF Viewer SDK Retail

Debenu PDF Viewer SDK Retail
Debenu PDF Viewer SDK Retail | 11 Mb

Debenu PDF Viewer SDK is an add-on to Debenu Quick PDF Library which enables you to add PDF viewer functionality to your applications within minutes. While you could build your own PDF viewing functionality using only the “vanilla” Debenu Quick PDF Library, the SDK makes the task much faster and easier. The viewer control is provided as an ActiveX which means that it will support any programming environment with ActiveX support such as C#, C++, Delphi, Visual Basic and many more. If you want to build the capacity for fast, robust, high-quality PDF viewing into your applications without re-inventing the wheel, Debenu PDF Viewer SDK is for you. This powerful SDK is simple and quick to implement, giving developers the ability to work with PDF without requiring deep specialist expertise.
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IP Works! SSL 9.0.5512 for .NET/ActiveX/Delphi/C++/C++ Builder/Xamarin

IP Works! SSL 9.0.5512 for .NET/ActiveX/Delphi/C++/C++ Builder/Xamarin
IP Works! SSL 9.0.5512 for .NET/ActiveX/Delphi/C++/C++ Builder/Xamarin | 61 Mb

IP*Works! SSL is a no-compromise, comprehensive suite of royalty-free SSL-enabled components. It brings unprecedented ease of use to Secure Internet Development with drop-in replacements for the components in the "classic" IP*Works! package, well known in the development community for their straightforward, intuitive interfaces, and powerful productivity features.
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Entity Developer Pro 5.7.654

Entity Developer Pro 5.7.654
Entity Developer Pro 5.7.654 | 33 Mb

Entity Developer is a powerful ORM designer for ADO.NET Entity Framework, NHibernate, LinqConnect, and LINQ to SQL. You can use Model-First and Database-First approaches to design your ORM model and generate C# or Visual Basic .NET code for it. It introduces new approaches for designing ORM models, boosts productivity, and facilitates the development of database applications.
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