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QODBC Driver for QuickBooks

QODBC Driver for QuickBooks
QODBC Driver for QuickBooks

QODBC is a fully functional ODBC driver for reading and writing QuickBooks 2021-2002 accounting data files by using standard SQL queries. It requires an ODBC compliant front-end application such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Visual Basic, PowerBuilder, Delphi, Python, C#, .NET, ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, Crystal Reports, Jitterbit, QlikView, Power BI, and many popular report writers and tools. Once installed, it will allow these applications to read and write QuickBooks Accounting files in the same fashion as other file formats installed on your computer. Using the official QuickBooks SDK interface, we are able to offer our customers total compatibility with all QuickBooks file formats.
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