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FortesReports 4 CE

FortesReports 4 CE
FortesReports 4 CE | Free For All

FortesReport is a report generator developed initially for Delphi by Fortes Informática, a Brazilian software company. It is pretty popular between Brazilian developers given the unique features it offers. The initial port to Lazarus/LCL was done by Isaac Trindade and the work that was completed by Luiz Américo.
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ReportMachine (RM) 7.0 Full Source

Complex reports ? Report Machine in front of what will be the presence of complex reports? No, it will not be there, because this is a powerful, fully automated, completely free design report controls . For general master from the table , a single table . FOR Delphi Xe7 installation and testing .....
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EK RTF 3.08

EK RTF 3.08
EK RTF 3.08 | 424 kB

EK RTF report allows to use all power of MS Word to create, preview, edit and print reports from Delphi applications. There is TADOTable component on a Form1, which is connected to the database table. EkRTF1 is TEkRTF component. The report template is saved in QuickStart_template.rtf file. The name of the report template is set to EkRTF1.InFile property before executing. The report template contains fields enclosed within the \\ chars. The first is built-in function now(), which shows current date and time. The next is report variable database_name. Its value set before making report from template. Fields \Scan(Customers)\ \EndScan\ are EK RTF commands. Three fields inside the table are links to Customers table fields.
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Pascal Analyzer

Pascal Analyzer
Pascal Analyzer | 4 Mb

Pascal Analyzer (PAL), was released in 2001, and is currently in version 6. This program parses Delphi or Borland Pascal source code and produces reports that help you understand your source code better. You will also be able to identify potential errors and anomalies. Your code will be more readable and maintainable. Pascal Analyzer can also check how coding standard guidelines are followed. The static code analysis performed by Pascal Analyzer can help you find bugs early in the development process. According to a study published in 2002 by America's National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) software bugs cost to the American economy alone is $60 billion a year.
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Fastreport FMX Embarcadero Edition 1.0.20 D4-XE7

Fastreport FMX Embarcadero Edition 1.0.20 D4-XE7
Fastreport FMX Embarcadero Edition 1.0.20 D4-XE7 | 17 Mb

Multi-platform report generator for Apple Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows, compatible with Embarcadero RAD Studio XE (FMX library), FireMonkey FM3. Report generator FastReport FMX is the first multi-platform solution for integrating Business Intelligence into software based on Embarcadero FireMonkey IDE (Delphi for MS Windows and Apple Mac OS X).
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FastReports 4.15.10 For XE-XE7

FastReports 4.15.10 For XE-XE7
FastReports 4.15.10 For XE-XE7 | 11.5 Mb

FastReport 4 VCL is an add-on component that allows your application to generate reports quickly and efficiently. FastReportВ® provides all the necessary tools to develop reports, including a visual report designer, a reporting core, and a preview window. It can be used in the Embarcadero (ex Borland and CodeGear) Delphi 4-XE6, C++Builder 6-XE7.
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