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Griaule Fingerprint SDK for Delphi

Griaule Fingerprint SDK for Delphi
Griaule Fingerprint SDK for Delphi | 14 Mb

Fingerprint SDK is a Software Development Kit (SDK) that provides a flexible platform for the development and programming of biometric fingerprint recognition into any application. This is one of the best biometric SDK components for authorization systems, transaction systems, time and attendance, point-of-sale identification, physical access control, and any other application that can benefit with the convenience of biometric identification. The goal of our SDK is to allow companies to customize their own existing applications to incorporate biometrics as a means of authentication without having to buy new software or change existing infrastructure.
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SAP Crystal Reports 2013 Dev Edition

SAP Crystal Reports 2013 Dev Edition
SAP Crystal Reports 2013 Dev Edition | 592 Mb

Hit your report development deadlines and come in under budget without leaving Microsoft Visual Studio. Our report design software installs directly into Visual Studio. With this fully functional – and free software, you'll spend less and save time developing rich, interactive reports.

Save time using powerful report creation, integration, and delivery tools
Deliver interactive, graphical reports on any device through an XML Web services model
Distribute highly formatted reports in rich-client Windows environments
Enjoy flexible data access with support for over 35 data sources, major browsers and operating systems
Extend your application with seamless report integration into WPF applications
Seamless upgrade to SAP Crystal Reports 2011 for added report functionality
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Database Oasis Professional Edition 3.1.24

Database Oasis Professional Edition 3.1.24
Database Oasis Professional Edition 3.1.24 | 31 Mb

Database Oasis provides database software solutions with no coding requirements. Rather than spending money on custom application development for your small business solutions, purchasing multiple desktop applications, or paying a DBA for custom database solutions, this simple database designer uses point-and click to offer an easy database creation alternative.
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Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Professional

Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Professional
Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Professional

Visual Studio 2015 is a rich, integrated development environment for creating stunning applications for Windows, Android, and iOS, as well as modern web applications and cloud services.

Tools and services for projects of any size or complexity
C#, Visual Basic, F#, C++, Python, Node.js and HTML/jаvascript
Sprint planning
Advanced debugging, profiling, automated and manual testing
DevOps with automated deployments and continuous monitoring
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EurekaLog Professional Retail

EurekaLog Professional Retail
EurekaLog Professional Retail | 114 Mb

EurekaLog is the new Delphi and C++Builder exception tracer tool that gives your application (GUI, Console, Web, etc.) the power to catch all exceptions, memory leaks and detect infinite-loops and deadlocks. It generates a detailed log with the call stack at the point that raised the exception, showing unit, class, method and line number, (see this example), and displays it on screen and optionally sends it back to you via email or to a Web Server (using the HTTP-S/FTP protocols or sending directly to your preferred "Web Bug Tracker" software), thus helping speed up the process of bug-location and resolution by a factor of 10!
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nSoftware EDI Integrator 9.0.5512

nSoftware EDI Integrator 9.0.5512
nSoftware EDI Integrator 9.0.5512 | 5 Mb

EDI Integrator includes software components for e-business communications, though all leading Internet standards for secure EDI transmissions. The components facilitate the integration of secure and reliable messaging and provide significant cost savings by leveraging the Internet as a ubiquitous network instead of traditional EDI VANs.
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nSoftware BizTalk Adapters 4.0.5512

nSoftware BizTalk Adapters 4.0.5512
nSoftware BizTalk Adapters 4.0.5512 | 5 Mb

The /n software BizTalk Adapters are the latest evolution in more than a decade of experience building tools and components for Internet communications, security, and e-business integration. The /n software Adapters for Microsoft BizTalk include fully-managed .NET Adapters that seamlessly integrate with the BizTalk Messaging Pipeline. The /n software Adapters extend the features of BizTalk with advanced Internet communications and secure messaging capabilities.
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