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CryptoLicensing for MFC v2015 (Enterprise) Build 150711

CryptoLicensing for MFC v2015 (Enterprise) Build 150711
CryptoLicensing for MFC v2015 (Enterprise) Build 150711 | 17 Mb

CryptoLicensing for MFC provides a robust, yet easy way to add licensing, copy-protection and activation capabilities to your MFC, ATL or C++ applications, libraries, components and controls, Windows services and Office Add-Ins. CryptoLicensing for MFC uses the latest military strength, state-of-the-art cryptographic technology to ensure that your software and intellectual property is protected.
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Codesmith Professional

Codesmith Professional
Codesmith Professional | 23 Mb

CodeSmith Generator is a software development tool to help you get your job done faster. Technically speaking it is a template driven source code generator that automates the creation of common application source code for any language (C#, Java, VB, PHP, ASP.NET, SQL, etc.). CodeSmith Generator includes many useful templates as well as entire sets of templates for generating proven architectures. You can easily modify any templates or write your own to generate your code exactly the way you want it.
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nSoftware SSIS Tasks v4.1.5513

nSoftware SSIS Tasks v4.1.5513
nSoftware SSIS Tasks v4.1.5513 | 11 Mb

The /n software SSIS Task Library provides robust, enterprise-ready Internet connectivity, secure messaging, compression, and secure file transfer for SSL Server Integration Services (SSIS). The /n software SSIS Tasks for Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services consist of a single task library containing individual tasks for Internet communications. Built from the same core codebase as the /n software Adapters for Microsoft BizTalk Server, the SSIS Tasks provide robust enterprise ready Internet connectivity, secure messaging, and file transfer.
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nSoftware X12 Integrator 9.0.5512

nSoftware X12 Integrator 9.0.5512
nSoftware X12 Integrator 9.0.5512 | 2 Mb

The X12 Integrator includes software components that facilitate Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) mapping and translation (X12 & EDIFACT). The components include flexible schema support enabling developers to use various schema formats allowing for easier integration with existing EDI processing applications.

EDI Mapping & Translation
Powerful EDI translation components with flexible EDI schema support, easy-to-use XPath style document navigation, and more.
Flexible Schema Support
Support for multiple, common, schema formats allowing easier integration with existing EDI processing applications.
Outstanding Technical Support
Backed by an expert team of support professionals. Unlimited free Email support or paid Premium Support options.
Fully-Embeddable Components
Native software components for various technologies enable seamless integration with any application or solution.
Other Features...
Detailed documentation, hundreds of sample applications, fully-indexed help files, and more.
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Richardson Software RazorSQL 6.3.23

Richardson Software RazorSQL 6.3.23
Richardson Software RazorSQL 6.3.23 | 98 Mb

Richardson Software RazorSQL - a program for managing key databases within a single program. The program allows you to run SQL queries visually edit, create, edit, and view tables, import and export data, create queries in the program to create queries and view the database in the Navigator Database. The program also includes built-in relational database that requires no adjustments. RazorSQL works with all popular databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, InterBase, Firebird, Oracle, SQLite, SQL Anywhere, Sybase, MS SQL Server, DB2, Derby, FrontBase, JavaDB and many others.
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FastReport FMX for RAD Studio, Delphi and C++Builder XE8

FastReport FMX for RAD Studio, Delphi and C++Builder XE8
FastReport FMX for RAD Studio, Delphi and C++Builder XE8 | 17.5 Mb

FastReport FMX 2 Embarcadero Edition for RAD Studio, Delphi and C++Builder XE8 Multi-platform report generator for Apple Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows. Multi-platform report generator for Apple Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows, compatible with Embarcadero RAD Studio XE (FMX library), FireMonkey FM3. Report generator FastReport FMX is the first multi-platform solution for integrating Business Intelligence into software based on Embarcadero FireMonkey IDE (Delphi for MS Windows and Apple Mac OS X).
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Themida | 28 Mb

WinLicense combines the same protection-level as Themida with the power of advanced license control, offering the most powerful and flexible technology that allows developers to securely distribute trial and registered versions of their applications. WinLicense is a powerful protection system designed for software developers who wish to protect their applications against advanced reverse-engineering and software cracking. Developers do not need any source code changes or programming experience to protect their applications with WinLicense.
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