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Devart dbForge SQL Tools v6.4.3 for SQL Server

Devart dbForge SQL Tools v6.4.3 for SQL Server
Devart dbForge SQL Tools v6.4.3 for SQL Server

SQL database tools pack that extends Microsoft SSMS with many essential features aimed at boosting developer productivity and reducing expenses while performing routine tasks.

It Contains:
Package includes:
Data Compare 5.3.25
Data Generator 4.5.22
Data Pump 1.8.21
Documenter 1.7.22
Event Profiler 1.8.18
Index Manager 1.13.17
Monitor 1.5.17
Query Builder 4.2.25
Schema Compare 5.3.38
Search 2.7.18
Source Control 2.5.35
SQL Complete 6.14.18
Unit Test 1.8.21
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PHP Tools for Visual Studio 2010-2022 v1.62.15410

PHP Tools for Visual Studio 2010-2022 v1.62.15410
PHP Tools for Visual Studio 2010-2022 v1.62.15410

PHP Tools transparently integrate into Microsoft Visual Studio, and extend it with the support for PHP language. The extension is focused on developer productivity respecting conventions. It understands your code, provides smart code completion, quick navigation, syntax error checking, integrated PHP manual, project system, debugging support and more. PHP Tools for Visual Studio brings seamless analysis of source code within PHP projects. In addition to IntelliSense improvements, this feature gives you smart code validation which underlines unused variables, type mismatches, dead code and other suspicious constructs in your code.
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Devart Data Oracle v10.1.134 Nuget Packages

Devart Data Oracle v10.1.134 Nuget Packages
Devart Data Oracle v10.1.134 Nuget Packages

dotConnect for Oracle is an enhanced database connectivity solution built over ADO.NET architecture and a development framework with a number of innovative technologies. It introduces new approaches for designing a data access layer and boosts the productivity of DB application development. dotConnect offers a complete solution for developing DB-related applications and web sites.
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Embarcadero Delphi 11.3 Alexandria Version 28.0.47991.2819 Lite v17.3.1 x64

Embarcadero Delphi 11.3 Alexandria Version 28.0.47991.2819 Lite v17.3.1 x64
Embarcadero Delphi 11.3 Alexandria Version 28.0.47991.2819 Lite v17.3.1 x64

Delphi® 11.3 is the fastest way to develop native cross-platform applications using cloud services and broad IoT connectivity. It provides powerful VCL components for Windows 10 and enables FMX development for Windows, Mac Mac64 and mobile devices. Delphi® 11 supports with a wide range of services for enterprise-oriented development. Look at increased memory for large projects, expanded multi-monitor support, an improved object inspector, and more. Delphi® 11.3 delivers 5x faster development and deployment speeds across multiple desktop, mobile, cloud and database platforms, including 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 10.
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DevExpress v22.2.4 Components for .NET Extreme Source Code

DevExpress v22.2.4 Components for .NET Extreme Source Code
DevExpress v22.2.4 Components for .NET Extreme Source Code

We are proud to announce the immediate availability of DevExpress Universal v22.2, our award-winning software development platform for .NET and Visual Studio developers. With numerous new products and dozens of high-impact features, v22.2 allows you to build your best, without limits or compromise. From the desktop, the web or your mobile world, DevExpress dev tools help you address a broad range of usage scenarios and deliver intuitive solutions that amaze.
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