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Telerik JustDecompile Q2 2016 SP2 (version 2016.2.612)

Telerik JustDecompile Q2 2016 SP2 (version 2016.2.612)
Telerik JustDecompile Q2 2016 SP2 (version 2016.2.612) | 9 Mb

JustDecompile is available for free download individually, or it can be purchased with priority support as a part of DevCraft - the most comprehensive HTML5 and .NET toolbox. JustDecompile is fast. In fact, really fast. When tested against the leading competitors, for .NET framework decompilation time, JustDecompile came out 10 times faster than the leading commercial decompiler. Try it and verify the results for yourself.
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Sisulizer Enterprise Edition 4.0 Build 363

Sisulizer Enterprise Edition 4.0 Build 363
Sisulizer Enterprise Edition 4.0 Build 363 | 65 Mb

Sisulizer 4 helps software developers to translate strings and/or string resources in Delphi, C#, VB.NET, C++, C, Java, HTML, ASP, PHP, jаvascript, Silverlight, XML, Visual Basic, Databases, HTML Help, GNU gettext, and many more formats. We at Sisulizer call this state-of-the-art software localization. Sisulizer version 4 comes with support for new platforms like iOS, Android, FireMonkey, Delphi (incl. 64-Bit) and improved .NET support. It comes with many new features like the built-in Translation Memory Editor, true HTML preview, and dozens more useful improvements requested by our users. To make your update and upgrade easy we developed a new Update and Upgrade Calculator. All you need is an email address and your current Sisulizer license key.
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Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX R2 2016 SP1 (version 2016.2.607) Retail

Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX R2 2016 SP1 (version 2016.2.607) Retail
Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX R2 2016 SP1 (version 2016.2.607) Retail | 92 Mb

Enjoy components for every need: navigation and layout, data management and visualization, editing, interactivity and more. In our 11 years of aggressive product development – including 3 major and up to 6 minor releases per year – we have implemented, tested and optimized over 4,000 features in Telerik ASP.NET controls.
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OCR.NET for Android 1.0

OCR.NET for Android 1.0
OCR.NET for Android 1.0 | 16 Mb

Optical character recognition library for Android. Use OCR.NET for Android to retrieve text from images.
uses Tesseract OCR engine and Leptonica image processing library
supports Android armeabi-v7a devices
source code included in full version
royalty free distribution in applications
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Heaventools Resource Tuner Console 2.03

Heaventools Resource Tuner Console 2.03
Heaventools Resource Tuner Console 2.03 | 3 Mb

Resource Tuner Console is a command-line tool that enables developers to instantly change different resource types (version numbers, icons, images and strings) in large numbers of compiled 32- and 64-bit EXE, DLL and RES files from the batch files. This console resource editor allows creating a reliable and repeatable process for updating and customizing resources during the final stage of the build process. As a command-line tool, Resource Tuner Console can be run from both batch scripts and other Windows-based applications.
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IBExpert Developer Studio Customer Version 2015.12.21.1

IBExpert Developer Studio Customer Version 2015.12.21.1
IBExpert Developer Studio Customer Version 2015.12.21.1 | 48 Mb

You develop SQL databases professionally and need an efficient and powerful tool? With IBExpert you have made the right choice. It enables you in just a short space of time to become acquainted with, and achieve a command of the open source database, Firebird, as well as its commercial relative, InterBase®. There are powerful and yet easy-to-learn editors for all essential functions.
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Debenu PDF Viewer SDK Retail

Debenu PDF Viewer SDK Retail
Debenu PDF Viewer SDK Retail | 13 Mb

If you want to build the capacity for fast, robust, high-quality PDF viewing into your applications without re-inventing the wheel, Debenu PDF Viewer SDK is for you. This powerful SDK is simple and quick to implement, giving developers the ability to work with PDF without requiring deep specialist expertise.

Debenu PDF Viewer SDK is an add-on to and requires the latest version of Debenu Quick PDF Library (version 12.x). While you could build your own PDF viewing functionality using only the “vanilla” Debenu Quick PDF Library, the Viewer SDK makes the task much faster and easier. As far as we’re concerned, the sooner we can head home and put our feet up, the better.
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