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Winsoft WinInet Component Suite for FireMonkey v1.4 For D10.3 Rio Cracked

Winsoft WinInet Component Suite for FireMonkey v1.4 For D10.3 Rio Cracked
Winsoft WinInet Component Suite for FireMonkey v1.4 For D10.3 Rio Cracked

Delphi and C++ Builder components to enable applications interact with FTP, and HTTP/HTTPS protocols to access Internet resources.
FTP, HTTP and HTTPS protocols supported
well suited for accessing REST services
uses standard Windows WinINet API
available for Delphi/C++ Builder XE2 - 10.3
source code included in registered version
royalty free distribution
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Plastic SCM Enterprise

Plastic SCM Enterprise
Plastic SCM Enterprise

Plastic SCM Enterprise is a multiplatform (Windows, Linux, Unix and MAC) version control system that provides full integration with the most widely used IDEs as well and task tracking tools, and contains accurate importers for SourceSafe, CVS and Subversion; providing quick transition from these environments. Plastic SCM Professional can be configured to work with Firebird, MySQL or SQL Server database backends. Plastic SCM Professional Edition provides enterprise features such as configurable workspaces through selectors, integration with Active Directory or LDAP to enforce security policies on repositories, support for an unlimited number of users and distributed system. One Year of full support with access to all new releases within a year is included with the Professional Edition.
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Telerik UI for Xamarin R1 2019 SP1 (version 2019.1.220.340) Retail

Telerik UI for Xamarin R1 2019 SP1 (version 2019.1.220.340) Retail
Telerik UI for Xamarin R1 2019 SP1 (version 2019.1.220.340) Retail

Telerik UI for Xamarin uses the Xamarin.Forms technology, which makes it possible for developers to build native iOS, Android and Windows Phone apps from a single shared C# code base. The Telerik Chart and Calendar for Xamarin enables developers to easily implement various charting functionalities in their Xamarin.Forms projects and achieve the same scenarios across platforms using a single shared C# code base.
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Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX R1 2019 SP1 (version 2019.1.215) Retail

Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX R1 2019 SP1 (version 2019.1.215) Retail
Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX R1 2019 (version 2019.1.115) Retail

Enjoy components for every need: navigation and layout, data management and visualization, editing, interactivity and more. In our 11 years of aggressive product development including 3 major and up to 6 minor releases per year we have implemented, tested and optimized over 4,000 features in Telerik ASP.NET controls.
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Telerik UI for WinForms R1 2019 SP1 (version 2019.1.219) Retail

Telerik UI for WinForms R1 2019 SP1 (version 2019.1.219) Retail
Telerik UI for WinForms R1 2019 SP1 (version 2019.1.219) Retail

Telerik UI for WinForms includes more than 90 user interface controls you can use to fulfill the most demanding desktop or tablet application requirements. All-way customizable GridView, Form, Chart, Scheduler, RichTextBox and other essential controls enable you to build any Line of Business or Modern application in less time while staying under budget.
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Context Database Designer 3.43 with Extension Retail

Context Database Designer 3.43 with Extension Retail
Context Database Designer 3.43 with Extension Retail

Context Database Designer does what very few professional and very expensive tools can - it is able to automatically generate create/alter/drop DDL scripts for virtually any database engine. Moreover, it also is able to import SQL DDL scripts from virtually any database engine, which is accomplished by highly customizable SQL generator/parser - a unique component, developed by Contexts Software. The only thing required in order to support another database engine is creating a simple text profile, which defines the specifics of SQL scripts for that particular type of database.
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