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Building compelling web sites and mobile apps is a complex process, which involves a number of dynamic technologies. While software components do alleviate this challenge to a certain extent, no single component is enough by itself. When one is looking for the perfect solution, it has to come as part of a comprehensive package – solid product, created by experts in the field, who are available for direct 24/7 support of their product.
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SSMS Tools Pack

SSMS Tools Pack
SSMS Tools Pack

Tab Sessions make your work with tabs even easier. Each tab is saved periodically as defined by the interval for Window Content History. The two features are connected. You can also Restore Last Session by pressing the button on toolbar. This openes the last saved tabs already connected to the server they were connected too before. Simple, easy and fast.
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Heaventools Resource Tuner 2.20

Heaventools Resource Tuner 2.20
Heaventools Resource Tuner 2.20

Resource Tuner lets you view, extract, replace, edit, and delete the embedded resources of executable files: icons, strings, images, sounds, dialogs, menus - all that make up the visual part of your Windows programs. In fact, it allows you to add your own custom branding to an application, change dialog messages, customize toolbar actions, and so on without having access to the actual source code. Resource Tuner offers exciting possibilities even if you aren't a programmer. It's perfect for translators, tweakers, and anyone else who wants a different look and feel for an application.
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Visual Micro 1806.2.1 (Arduino IDE for Visual Studio and Atmel Studio)

Visual Micro 1806.2.1 (Arduino IDE for Visual Studio and Atmel Studio)
Visual Micro 1806.2.1 (Arduino IDE for Visual Studio and Atmel Studio)

Note to new users: Intellisense and build/upload are two seperate functions of Visual Micro. You might see a few invalid intellisense errors (which you should report to the forum). After building a project with substantial code changes intellisense will become more accurate. However for some boards it is only 99% but can easily be extended.... Set the "Errors List" window to "Build Only" and/or "Open Documents Only" if false intellisense errors are annoying you, +report your code + board name to the forum thanks!
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Almediadev StyleControls v3.9.6

Almediadev StyleControls v3.9.6
Almediadev StyleControls v3.9.6

StyleControls is a stable, powerfull package (more than 100 components), which uses Classic drawing, system Themes, GDI+ and VCL Styles. This package contains the unique solutions to extend standard VCL controls and also has many unique, advanced controls to create modern applications (UWP design). Also with this package you can really improve applying and using of VCL Styles in your application.
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Visual Micro 1806.1 (Arduino IDE for Visual Studio and Atmel Studio)

Visual Micro 1806.1 (Arduino IDE for Visual Studio and Atmel Studio)
Visual Micro 1806.1 (Arduino IDE for Visual Studio and Atmel Studio)

Note to new users: Intellisense and build/upload are two seperate functions of Visual Micro. You might see a few invalid intellisense errors (which you should report to the forum). After building a project with substantial code changes intellisense will become more accurate. However for some boards it is only 99% but can easily be extended.... Set the "Errors List" window to "Build Only" and/or "Open Documents Only" if false intellisense errors are annoying you, +report your code + board name to the forum thanks!
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Mr. Gestures for Xamarin v1.5.4

Mr. Gestures for Xamarin v1.5.4
Mr. Gestures for Xamarin v1.5.4

Xamarin Forms is great if you want to develop apps for different mobile platforms. But when it comes to touch gestures, it is still very limited.
For more than a year they only had the TapGestureRecognizer. Although they did add some others lately, they still don't provide all information which you need. Furthermore the API which they use has been copied from iOS and is not what a .NET developer would expect.
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