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TMS FNC Dashboard Pack v1.3.0.0 (January 24, 2024) Setup + Source + VSC

TMS FNC Dashboard Pack v1.3.0.0 (January 24, 2024) Setup + Source + VSC
TMS FNC Dashboard Pack v1.3.0.0 (January 24, 2024) Setup + Source + VSC

TTMSFNCWidgetProgress: Circular progress indicator
TTMSFNCWidgetSetPoint: Value indicator with range & and setpoint
TTMSFNCWidgetMultiProgress: Concentric circle based progress indicator for multiple values
TTMSFNCWidgetDistributionIndicator: Values distribution indicator in various modes: donut, pie, horiz. bar, vert. bar, funnel
TTMSFNCWidgetMarqueeProgress: Continuous running or marquee style progress indicator
TTMSFNCWidgetLCDLabel: 7-segment LCD based value indicator
TTMSFNCWidgetGauge: Highly configureable gauge control
TTMSFNCWidgetArrow: Arrow control for indicating trends via arrow up/down
TTMSFNCWidgetTrendIndicator: Trend-indicator chart control with line, area & bar type
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TMS FNC Blox Full Source for RAD Studio XE7-12 Athens

TMS FNC Blox Full Source for RAD Studio XE7-12 Athens
TMS FNC Blox Full Source for RAD Studio XE7-12 Athens

High-quality (anti-aliasing) drawing of blocks and lines
Open architecture for building custom blocks and lines inherited from base classes
Ready-to-use flowchart, arrow and electric blocks
Linking system allow customizable link points and information retrieval of connected blocks
Block gradient, shadow and bitmap
Full block customization: pen, brush, color, selection color, minimum width and height
Block text customization: horizontal and vertical alignment, font, word wrap, clipping
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