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Adobe Photoshop 2020 v21.2.7.502 (x64) Multilingual

Adobe Photoshop 2020 v21.2.7.502 (x64) Multilingual
Adobe Photoshop 2020 v21.2.7.502 (x64) Multilingual

Photoshop 2020 was released on November 4, 2019. Version 21 has many new and enhanced features like the new object selection tool for better automate complex selections, new properties panel, enhanced transform warp, new keyboard shortcuts for paint & brush and background image removal option. It added several improvements to the new content-aware fill and to the new document tab. Also added were animated GIF support, improved lens blur performance and one-click zoom to a layer’s contents. It introduced new swatches, gradients, patterns, shapes and stylistic sets for OpenType fonts. With this version users now can easily convert smart objects to layers and also can adjust 32-bit layers for brightness/contrast and curves. Presets are now more intuitive to use and easier to organize.
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Devexpress Component for .NET v20.2.7

Devexpress Component for .NET v20.2.7
Devexpress Component for .NET v20.2.7

The DevExpress WinForms Subscription ships with a comprehensive suite of Office-inspired user interface components. From our award-winning Data Grid and Ribbon to our Excel-inspired Spreadsheet and Word-inspired Rich Text Editor for Windows Forms, this subscription has everything you'll need to create apps that are both beautiful and easy-to-use.
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Telerik UI for Xamarin R1 2021 SP2 (version 2021.1.325.480) .PKG Only

Telerik UI for Xamarin R1 2021 SP2 (version 2021.1.325.480) .PKG Only
Telerik UI for Xamarin R1 2021 SP2 (version 2021.1.325.480) .PKG Only

Telerik UI for Xamarin uses the Xamarin.Forms technology, which makes it possible for developers to build native iOS, Android and Windows Phone apps from a single shared C# code base. The Telerik Chart and Calendar for Xamarin enables developers to easily implement various charting functionalities in their Xamarin.Forms projects and achieve the same scenarios across platforms using a single shared C# code base.
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Telerik UI for WinForms R1 2021 SP3 (version 2021.1.326) Retail

Telerik UI for WinForms R1 2021 SP3 (version 2021.1.326) Retail
Telerik UI for WinForms R1 2021 SP3 (version 2021.1.326) Retail

Telerik UI for WinForms includes more than 90 user interface controls you can use to fulfill the most demanding desktop or tablet application requirements. All-way customizable GridView, Form, Chart, Scheduler, RichTextBox and other essential controls enable you to build any Line of Business or Modern application in less time while staying under budget.
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Companies worldwide rely on the CompleteFTP family of products to securely transfer confidential files. From the entry-level free FTPS server, through the powerful mid-range SFTP server for Windows, to our state-of-the-art, enterprise-level Managed File Transfer server, the CompleteFTP family offers an edition for every application.
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