Web.Developer Pro

Web.Developer Pro
Web.Developer Pro does not collect any information about your system, requires no sign in, and never connects to a server. This website uses no tracking, sets zero cookies, and reports nothing about you.
Web.Developer Pro is a website development and hosting application with Apache 2.4, PHP 7.4, and MySQL 8.0.
Run websites on Windows 10 after a simple, quick installation.
Secured and Hardened
Performance Optimized
Modular and Clean
Entrepreneurs, Web Developers, Businesses -
Web.Developer Pro is easy, try it yourself for free or buy now with a 30 day money back guarantee.
Web.Developer Pro does not collect any information about your system, requires no sign in, and never connects to a server. This website uses no tracking, sets zero cookies, and reports nothing about you.
Installation Instructions:
The zip file contains folder "WebDeveloper", copy this folder to C:\ (or to the root of any drive). Forming C:\WebDeveloper.
Run file C:\WebDeveloper\WebDeveloper.exe, accept the license terms, click the "Run Installation Tasks" button. When the installation process is finished, if necessary, you might be asked to reboot/restart the system.
Run WebDeveloper.exe again, the Apache and MySQL Services should have already started and you should have several websites listed.
Some firewall software and anti-malware applications might have the Windows HOSTS file (C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts) locked. If the installation fails on the Hosts File Check step, add this file path to the app's Exclusion List or disable the lock feature in it's settings.

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