Materials for 16.06.2014 » Developer.Team - Developers Paradise!

nSoftware PayPal Integrator 5.0.5259 for .NET/ActiveX/Delphi/C++/C++ Builder

nSoftware PayPal Integrator 5.0.5259 for .NET/ActiveX/Delphi/C++/C++ Builder
nSoftware PayPal Integrator 5.0.5259 for .NET/ActiveX/Delphi/C++/C++ Builder | 29 Mb

Build fully-integrated e-commerce solutions[b][/b]. The PayPal Integrator includes easy-to-use components for accessing PayPal merchant services and building fully integrated e-commerce applications. Developers can use PayPal merchant services to integrate real-time account management and payment processing capabilities into any software solution.
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Altova.JSON Editor 2013

Altova.JSON Editor 2013
Altova.JSON Editor 2013 | 87 Mb

JSON (jаvascript Object Notation) is a light-weight, text-based language for data interchange. JSON is often used for serializing and transmitting structured data over a network connection and therefore is commonly used in AJAX, Web 2.0, and Web services applications.
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