Delphi » Page 11

TMS FMX WebGMaps v3.2.0.2 Full Source

TMS FMX WebGMaps v3.2.0.2 Full Source
TMS FMX WebGMaps v3.2.0.2 Full Source

With the purchase of TMSFMXWebGMaps, you are entitled to our consulting and support services to integrate the Google Maps service in FireMonkey for FireMonkey applications and with this consulting and support comes the full source code needed to do this integration. As TMSFMXWebGMaps uses the Google Maps service, you're bound to the terms of this Google service that can be found at:
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UniFalcon Component Pack for Delphi XE2 to Delphi 12.1 Athens 8th May, 2024

UniFalcon Component Pack for Delphi XE2 to Delphi 12.1 Athens 8th May, 2024
UniFalcon Component Pack for Delphi XE2 to Delphi 12.1 Athens 8th May, 2024

Next to the component package comes with the installer to facilitate the installation of all components and configure your entire environment.

[01] - FSiGrowl (Web e Mobile)
[02] - FSKendoUI (Web e Mobile)
[03] - FSMask (Web)
[04] - FSButton (Web)
[05] - FSMap (Web e Mobile)
[06] - FSColorPicker (Web)
[07] - FSEdit (Web)
[08] - FSToggle (Web e Mobile)
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TMS Sphinx v1.9.0.2 Full Source for Delphi 10 - Delphi 12 Athens

TMS Sphinx v1.9.0.2 Full Source for Delphi 10 - Delphi 12 Athens
TMS Sphinx v1.9.0.2 Full Source for Delphi 10 - Delphi 12 Athens

Delphi framework for Identity Access Management, including authorization and authentication. OAuth2 compliant authorization mechanism, supporting grants: implicit, client credentials and authorization code with PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange). Follows OpenID Connect specification for login workflow and identity token issuance.
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Devart UniDAC v10.2.1 Professional for Delphi 10 Seattle - 12 Athens

Devart UniDAC v10.2.1 Professional for Delphi 10 Seattle - 12 Athens
Devart UniDAC v10.2.1 Professional for Delphi 10 Seattle - 12 Athens

Universal Data Access Components (UniDAC) is a powerful library of nonvisual cross-database data access components for Delphi, Delphi for .NET, C++Builder, and Lazarus (Free Pascal). We have combined the experience of long-term successful development into one product, which provides unified access to the popular database servers like Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, InterBase, Firebird, PostgreSQL, SQLite, DB2, Microsoft Access, Sybase Advantage Database Server, Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise, and other databases (using ODBC provider).
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