Delphi » Page 442

X-Files Components 6.6

X-Files Components 6.6
X-Files Components 6.6

X-Files Components package contains a full set of advanced visual components designed for Delphi 5, 6, 7, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, XE, XE2, XE3, XE4, XE5, XE6, XE7, XE8, 10 Seattle, 10.1 Berlin and C++Builder 5, 6, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, XE, XE2, XE3, XE4, XE5, XE6, XE7, XE8, 10 Seattle, 10.1 Berlin, 10.2 Tokyo.
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Devart SDAC Professional for Berlin and Tokyo

Devart SDAC Professional for Berlin and Tokyo
Devart SDAC Professional for Berlin and Tokyo

SQL Server Data Access Components (SDAC) is a library of components that provides native connectivity to SQL Server from Delphi, C++Builder, Lazarus (and Free Pascal) for Windows (both 32-bit and 64-bit) and Mac OS X. SDAC-based applications connect to SQL Server directly through OLE DB, which is a native SQL Server interface. SDAC is designed to help programmers develop faster and cleaner SQL Server database applications.
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Top 10 Most Popular Open Source Delphi Projects On GitHub

Top 10 Most Popular Open Source Delphi Projects On GitHub
Top 10 Most Popular Open Source Delphi Projects On GitHub

There are quite a few Delphi open source projects on GitHub that can really save you some time. I searched for Delphi on GitHub and then sorted by the Most Starred projects and came up with this Top 10 list. There is some really good stuff here including Awesome Delphi (which is another top list), Delphi IDE color theming projects, an MVC web framework, a REST API client, Open Source Computer Vision Library headers for Delphi, a really powerful custom TreeView component, a unit testing framework, a component for embedding Chrome in your app, and finally the fantastic OmniThreadLibrary.
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Embarcadero RAD Studio Tokyo Architect update 2 (10.2.2) version 25.0.28979.1978

Embarcadero RAD Studio Tokyo Architect update 2 (10.2.2) version 25.0.28979.1978
Embarcadero RAD Studio Tokyo Architect update 2 (10.2.2) version 25.0.28979.1978

Embarcadero Technologies, a leading provider of software solutions for application and database development, has released an update (R1) to Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo. It’s an update of Delphi 10.2 Tokyo, C++Builder 10.2 Tokyo and RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo for active Update Subscription customers. It includes 100s of platform focused enhancements, bug fixes and features.
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ZylCPUUsage 2.14

ZylCPUUsage 2.14
ZylCPUUsage 2.14

ZylCPUUsage is a visual Delphi & C++Builder component that diplays the usage level of the processor(s) in a chart. This version is fully functional in Delphi and C++Builder IDE, but it displays a nag dialog (the licensed version will, of course, not have a nag dialog and will not be limited to the IDE). The package includes demo programs for Delphi and C++Builder and a help file with the description of the component.
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ZylBurner 1.85

ZylBurner 1.85
ZylBurner 1.85

ZylBurner is a CD, DVD and Bluray burner Delphi & C++Builder component. It is based on NeroCmd utility, so it needs Nero Burning ROM to be installed. This component is very easy to use, it's ideal for developers for quick CD and DVD writing purposes from Delphi or C++Builder. The component works in two modes: synchronous mode and asynchronous mode. In synchronous mode the operational functions (Burn, Erase, BurnImage, Eject) always wait for the end of the current operation and return a value which indicates if the operation was successful or not. In synchronous mode the return value of the operational functions is always 0, and the functions don't wait for the end of the current operation. You can use it to burn data CDs, DVDs and Blurays, audio CDs, video CDs, supervideo CDs and video DVDs.
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ZylBattery 1.35

ZylBattery 1.35
ZylBattery 1.35

ZylBattery is a visual Delphi/C++Builder component that diplays the charging level of the battery in a chart. You can specify different colors for different charging levels and you can indicate it also in text format in percents.
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DIXml 5.12.0 D6-XE10.2

DIXml 5.12.0 D6-XE10.2
DIXml 5.12.0 D6-XE10.2

DIXml is an embedded XML, XSLT, and EXSLT processing library for Delphi (Embarcadero / CodeGear / Borland). It is build on the libxml2, libxslt and libexslt libraries. However, DIXml requires no DLLs or any other external files whatsoever. All required code is compiled completely into the application's executable. DIXml is the most feature-complete XML and XSLT solution for Delphi.
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