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ParentElement JSON.NET for Unity 1.4

ParentElement JSON.NET for Unity 1.4
ParentElement JSON.NET for Unity 1.4 | 497 kB

Serialization is a fundamental building block for persisting and transporting object based data. JSON .NET is the #1 Json Serialization package for the .NET Framework. It has also been largely requested by the Unity Community. There are two options for purchasing JSON .NET For Unity, FastSpring and the Unity Asset Store. Users who purchase through my FastSpring store will receive an email notification with information to log into this site which gives access to downloads. You will also have instant access to the newest versions instead of waiting for the update to be approved by the Unity Asset Store. Purchases through FastSpring will include the same free updates within the purchased major version as purchases through the Unity Asset Store.
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Allround Automations PL/SQL Developer

Allround Automations PL/SQL Developer
Allround Automations PL/SQL Developer | 25 Mb

PL/SQL Developer is an Integrated Development Environment that is specifically targeted at the development of stored program units for Oracle Databases. Over time we have seen more and more business logic and application logic move into the Oracle Server, so that PL/SQL programming has become a significant part of the total development process. PL/SQL Developer focuses on ease of use, code quality and productivity, key advantages during Oracle application development.
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DIHtmlParser 7.6.1 Full Source D4-XE8

DIHtmlParser 7.6.1 Full Source D4-XE8
DIHtmlParser 7.6.1 Full Source D4-XE8 | 5 Mb

DIHtmlParser is an advanced HTML parsing and processing suite for Delphi (Embarcadero, CodeGear, Borland). DIHtmlParser reads, extracts information from, and writes HTML, XHTML, and XML.

Full Unicode support (UnicodeString or WideString, depending on Delphi version).
Reads and writes over 70 character sets natively (independent of the OS). More than 150 are supported with the help of DIConverters.
Operates on TStreams, memory buffers or strings.
Returns a single piece of HTML to the application at a time.
Extends easily via the TDIHtmlParserPlugin interface.
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MiTeC System Information Component Suite 10.9.2 D5-XE3 Full Source

MiTeC System Information Component Suite 10.9.2 D5-XE3 Full Source
MiTeC System Information Component Suite 10.9.2 D5-XE3 Full Source | 6 Mb

The most complex system information probe in Delphi world.


TMiTeC_SystemInfo gathers all following components to one for simple use
TMiTeC_APM provides informaton about Advanced Power Management
TMiTeC_BT detects Bluetooth devices using Native Bluetooth Enumerator)
TMiTeC_CPU provides detailed CPU information
TMiTeC_Devices provides devices information like Windows Device Manager
TMiTeC_Disk provides logical drive information
TMiTeC_Display provides display adapter information
TMiTeC_DMA provides direct memory acceess
TMiTeC_Engines provides information about various installed engines
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Devart UniDAC Professional 6.1.4 D7-XE8 Retail

Devart UniDAC Professional 6.1.4 D7-XE8 Retail
Devart UniDAC Professional 6.1.3 D7-XE8 Retail | 10 Mb

Universal Data Access Components (UniDAC) is a powerful library of nonvisual cross-database data access components for Delphi, Delphi for .NET, C++Builder, and Lazarus (Free Pascal). We have combined the experience of long-term successful development into one product, which provides unified access to the popular database servers like Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, InterBase, Firebird, PostgreSQL, SQLite, DB2, Microsoft Access, Sybase Advantage Database Server, Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise, and other databases (using ODBC provider).
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Telerik UI for WPF Q2 2015 (version 2015.2.623) Retail

Telerik UI for WPF Q2 2015 (version 2015.2.623) Retail
Telerik UI for WPF Q2 2015 (version 2015.2.623) Retail | 83 Mb

Telerik UI for WPF includes a wide range of controls – from small UI components like Rating to powerful data-driven controls like GridView. The suite provides a variety of data visualization tools to allow you to display and edit your data. Manipulate your row data in a GridView or Spreadsheet and then visualize it through PivotGrid, our charting or diagramming tools. Discover multiple components for daily or business planning such as ScheduleView where users can easily plan their day and GanttView which allows users to visualize and manage any project planning data. Telerik UI for WPF comes complete with customizable UI controls for a variety of needs and options, which makes it the ideal choice for any Windows desktop application.
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Telerik UI for Windows Universal Q2 2015 (version 2015.2.624) Retail

Telerik UI for Windows Universal Q2 2015 (version 2015.2.624) Retail
Telerik UI for Windows Universal Q2 2015 (version 2015.2.624) Retail | 106 Mb

Before universal apps came along, creating apps for Windows 8.x Store and Windows Phone 8 was mostly a two-app project. Thanks to the universal Windows paradigm across devices, developers write code once and deploy on multiple Windows platforms with just small tweaks on the user interface. Telerik UI for Windows Universal plays nice with Microsoft Visual Studio and creates a Shared project template for Universal Apps allowing the same app to be written for Windows 8.1 Store and Windows Phone 8.1 with little code changes.
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Telerik UI for Windows Phone 8 Q2 2015.2.0624 Retail

Telerik UI for Windows Phone 8 Q2 2015.2.0624 Retail
Telerik UI for Windows Phone 8 Q2 2015.2.0624 Retail | 37 Mb

The ImageEditor is a set of editing controls supporting operations such as crop, resize, contrast, auto fix colors, blur, hue editing, and more. Thanks to the ImageEditor, app users can edit images inside your app and save them. The UI is composed as a home screen containing all the available tools and allowing the user to save the current state of the image or to discard it.
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