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Tangible Software Source Code Converters Premium Edition 20.7.29

Tangible Software Source Code Converters Premium Edition 20.7.29
Tangible Software Source Code Converters Premium Edition 20.7.29

It Contains:

Instant C# (converts VB.NET code to C#)
Instant VB (converts C# code to VB.NET)
C++ to C# Converter
C++ to Java Converter
C++ to VB Converter
Java to C# Converter
Java to C++ Converter
Java to VB Converter
C# to Java Converter
VB to Java Converter
C# to C++ Converter
VB to C++ Converter
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DevComponents DotNetBar + Crack

DevComponents DotNetBar + Crack
DevComponents DotNetBar + Crack

DotNetBar is world's first component to introduce fully featured Office 2013, Office 2010, Windows 7 and Office 2007 style Ribbon controls, first to provide full Windows XP Theme support, first to provide Diamond Docking Guides for dockable windows etc. With DotNetBar you always get latest advancements in user interface technology in your applications before anyone else. Don't take our word for it, read what others are saying about our products and support...
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Stellar Repair for MS SQL Technician v9.0.0.1

Stellar Repair for MS SQL Technician v9.0.0.1
Stellar Repair for MS SQL Technician v9.0.0.1

Stellar Repair for MS SQL is an enterprise-grade database repair software, highly recommended by MS SQL Administrators and tech communities worldwide. It repairs corrupt SQL Server files and meets all types of SQL database repair needs.

Repairs corrupt MS SQL Database (.mdf and .ndf) files
Recovers all database components - tables, triggers, indexes, keys, rules & stored procedures
Recovers deleted records from SQL Database
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Whole Tomato Visual Assist X 10.9.2382

Whole Tomato Visual Assist X 10.9.2382
Whole Tomato Visual Assist X 10.9.2382

Visual Assist X dramatically reduces application development time with key new features and improvements to existing features in Visual Studio, allowing you to: Visual Assist increases automation, simplifies navigation and displays vital information as you develop. The features are so well integrated into the IDE that it is difficult to distinguish what Visual Assist X provides and what is built into the IDE. One thing is certain, you like your IDE more when Visual Assist X is installed. Visual Assist X provides assistance for all of the programming languages of Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, including C/C++, C#, ASP, Visual Basic, Java and HTML. The product also offers assistance for C/C++ users of Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 and 5.0.
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