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IDERA ER/Studio Data Architect 18.2 Team Edition

IDERA ER/Studio Data Architect 18.2 Team Edition
IDERA ER/Studio Data Architect 18.2 Team Edition

Data modelers and architects have to respond to multiple levels of data-related business needs. Some key activities that may need their attention include:

Build out a data model as part of a development cycle
Discover and document existing assets across the data landscape
Create and populate a data warehouse
Build out an enterprise data model
Catalog metadata for data governance or data quality initiatives
Perform an impact analysis of new policies or projected changes to models, databases, or data fields
ER/Studio Data Architect helps to address all of these situations, with robust logical and physical modeling, data dictionaries, forward and reverse engineering, and more.
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Telerik UI for Universal Windows Platform (UWP) R1 2020 (Version 2020.1.0110.1) Retail

Telerik UI for Universal Windows Platform (UWP) R1 2020 (Version 2020.1.0110.1) Retail
Telerik UI for Universal Windows Platform (UWP) R1 2020 (Version 2020.1.110) Retail

Before universal apps came along, creating apps for Windows 8.x Store and Windows Phone 8 was mostly a two-app project. Thanks to the universal Windows paradigm across devices, developers write code once and deploy on multiple Windows platforms with just small tweaks on the user interface. Telerik UI for Windows Universal plays nice with Microsoft Visual Studio and creates a Shared project template for Universal Apps allowing the same app to be written for Windows 8.1 Store and Windows Phone 8.1 with little code changes.
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Font Awesome Pro v5.12.0 Retail

Font Awesome Pro v5.12.0 Retail
Font Awesome Pro v5.12.0 Retail

Get vector icons and social logos on your website with Font Awesome, the web's most popular icon set and toolkit.

Professionally Designed + Pixel-Perfect
Each and every symbol is designed from scratch against guidelines and standards forged from years of experience of illustrating and designing icons. The result is a consistent look and feel that spans thousands of icons across three unique styles.
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Telerik UI for Universal Windows Platform (UWP) R3 2019 (Version 2019.3.917) Retail

Telerik UI for Universal Windows Platform (UWP) R3 2019 (Version 2019.3.917) Retail
Telerik UI for Universal Windows Platform (UWP) R3 2019 (Version 2019.3.917) Retail

Before universal apps came along, creating apps for Windows 8.x Store and Windows Phone 8 was mostly a two-app project. Thanks to the universal Windows paradigm across devices, developers write code once and deploy on multiple Windows platforms with just small tweaks on the user interface. Telerik UI for Windows Universal plays nice with Microsoft Visual Studio and creates a Shared project template for Universal Apps allowing the same app to be written for Windows 8.1 Store and Windows Phone 8.1 with little code changes.
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PDFTron PDFNet SDK Ultimate v6.4.1

PDFTron PDFNet SDK Ultimate v6.4.1
PDFTron PDFNet SDK Ultimate v6.4.1

Bring accurate, reliable and fast PDF functionality to any application or workflow. Matured for 20 years in the world's most demanding environments, PDFTron’s fully supported PDF SDK is built from the ground up and is not dependent on external third-party open-source software. Have confidence that all documents will output quickly and flawlessly, even at 1GB+ or 10,000+ pages. Display PDFs quickly by streaming individual pages or tiles without a full file download.
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FontAwesome Pro v5.11.2 (Web+Desktop) + Duotone Icons

FontAwesome Pro v5.11.2 (Web+Desktop) + Duotone Icons
Font Awesome Pro v5.11.2 (Web+Desktop) + Duotone Icons

Get vector icons and social logos on your website with Font Awesome, the web's most popular icon set and toolkit.

Professionally Designed + Pixel-Perfect
Each and every symbol is designed from scratch against guidelines and standards forged from years of experience of illustrating and designing icons. The result is a consistent look and feel that spans thousands of icons across three unique styles.
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Font Awesome Pro v5.10.2 (Web+Desktop) + Duotone Icons

Font Awesome Pro v5.10.2 (Web+Desktop) + Duotone Icons
Font Awesome Pro v5.10.2 (Web+Desktop) + Duotone Icons

Get vector icons and social logos on your website with Font Awesome, the web's most popular icon set and toolkit.

Professionally Designed + Pixel-Perfect
Each and every symbol is designed from scratch against guidelines and standards forged from years of experience of illustrating and designing icons. The result is a consistent look and feel that spans thousands of icons across three unique styles.
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Telerik Sitefinity CMS v12.0

Telerik Sitefinity CMS v12.0
Telerik Sitefinity CMS v12.0

Put marketers in control with Sitefinity. It's highly extensible, high-performing and easy to use. Today’s customer demands high-touch, personalized experiences with rich, relevant content delivered instantly through the digital channels they choose. On top of those expectations, you need to tame technological complexity and cope with limited resources. Progress® Sitefinity™ makes it easy for marketers and developers to deliver compelling, multichannel user experiences.
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FontAwesome Pro 5.9.0 (Web Only)

FontAwesome Pro 5.9.0 (Web Only)
FontAwesome Pro 5.9.0 (Web Only)

Get vector icons and social logos on your website with Font Awesome, the web's most popular icon set and toolkit.

Professionally Designed + Pixel-Perfect
Each and every symbol is designed from scratch against guidelines and standards forged from years of experience of illustrating and designing icons. The result is a consistent look and feel that spans thousands of icons across three unique styles.
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