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ExpertComponents Toolkit Total v15.0.0

ExpertComponents Toolkit Total v15.0.0
ExpertComponents Toolkit Total v15.0.0

ExpertComponents Toolkit Total includes ExpertXLS Excel Library, ExpertChart Chart, Pdf Creator, HtmlToPdf, PdfToText, Pdf Merger, Pdf Splitter, Pdf Viewer, Rtf To PDf, Pdf Security and Img Extractor. ExpertPDF SplitPDF allows you to extract a range of pages from a PDF document. You can also split the PDF document into a number of chunks, each chunk containing a specified number of pages. ExpertPDF MergePDF lets you easily combine your existing documents and images into a single PDF file. ExpertPDF HtmlToPdf Converter offers the ability to convert HTML pages to PDF on the fly. ExpertChart is an ASP.NET charting control that includes more than 25 chart types. ExpertXLS Excel Library for .NET can enable your application to create new Excel documents from scratch or to edit existing Excel documents. The ExpertXLS Excel Library for .Net offers support both for Excel 97-2003 format (.xls) and for Excel 2007 (.xlsx) format.

ExpertComponents Toolkit Total v15.0.0 includes:

ExpertXls.ExcelLibrary v6.0.0
ExpertPdf.PdfSecurity v6.0.0
ExpertPdf.PdfCreator v15.0.0
ExpertPdf.PdfViewer.WinNet v6.0.0
ExpertPdf.PdfViewer.AspNet v6.0.0
ExpertPdf.MergePdf v6.0.0
ExpertPdf.SplitPdf v6.0.0
ExpertPdf.PdfToImage v6.0.0
ExpertPdf.PdfToText v6.0.0
ExpertPdf.RtfToPdf v6.0.0
ExpertPdf.HtmlToPdf v15.0.0
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