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CryptoLicensing For MFC v2013 R2 Build 131218

CryptoLicensing For MFC v2013 R2 Build 131218
CryptoLicensing For MFC v2013 R2 Build 131218 | 10.6 Mb

CryptoLicensing for MFC provides a robust, yet easy way to add licensing, copy-protection and activation capabilities to your MFC, ATL or C++ applications, libraries, components and controls, Windows services and Office Add-Ins. CryptoLicensing for MFC uses the latest military strength, state-of-the-art cryptographic technology to ensure that your software and intellectual property is protected.
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Dotfuscator Professional for .NET v4.10.1.1879

Dotfuscator Professional for .NET v4.10.1.1879
Dotfuscator Professional for .NET v4.10.1.1879 | 36 Mb

Enterprises, software vendors and equipment manufacturers have all come to recognize a simple truth: Reverse engineering managed code is a common practice and, with the right tools, it is extremely easy to do. Dotfuscator provides enterprise-grade protection, greatly reducing the risk of piracy, intellectual property theft and tampering.
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CryptoLicensing For .Net Version 2013 R2, Build 130814

CryptoLicensing For .Net Version 2013 R2, Build 130814
CryptoLicensing For .Net Version 2013 R2, Build 130814 | 6 Mb

CryptoLicensing for .NET provides a robust, yet easy way to add licensing, copy-protection and activation capabilities to your MFC, ATL or C++ applications, libraries, components and controls, Windows services and Office Add-Ins. CryptoLicensing for MFC uses the latest military strength, state-of-the-art cryptographic technology to ensure that your software and intellectual property is protected.

Article is edited by: R00t - 29-11-2013, 01:25
Reason: Password Issue

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Eziriz.NET Reactor v4.6.0.0

Eziriz.NET Reactor v4.6.0.0
Eziriz.NET Reactor v4.6.0.0 | 17 Mb

When you compile a program written for the Microsoft .NET framework, the program you provide to your users is not compiled into a native executable program, but instead is translated into something called the Common Intermediate Language instructions (CIL). CIL is half way between source code and native code, and is interpreted by the .NET framework when your program is run, rather than executed directly as machine code. Because of this, the source code of your application or library can be easily reproduced. Tools such as .NET Reflector ( can reproduce source code from a compiled .NET assemblies in seconds, and in the .NET language of your choice! Clearly, commercial software distributed to end users without some form of protection is wide open to piracy and intellectual property theft.
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