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10 Seattle Update 1 VCL AppAnalytics Hotfix

10 Seattle Update 1 VCL AppAnalytics Hotfix
10 Seattle Update 1 VCL AppAnalytics Hotfix | 1 Mb

Update 1 is much more than just bug fixes. Our R&D team has enhanced and added to the IDE, improved security, added more demos, improved menu creation for VCL and Windows 10, increased deployment support for iOS 9 and OS X, added more features to FireDAC, the REST client library and now installs with the latest version of Java.
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Grapecity ActiveReports 10.0.5602.0

Grapecity ActiveReports 10.0.5602.0
Grapecity ActiveReports 10.0.5602.0

ActiveReports includes a complete set of reporting controls and code library. Use built-in controls such as barcodes, tablix, charts, data bars, sparklines, and maps to visualize data. Script your own behavior with the comprehensive and fully documented API that supports the code languages most commonly used in Visual Studio: C# and Visual Basic.
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Kellerman .NET Email Validation Library 2.15

Kellerman .NET Email Validation Library 2.15
Kellerman .NET Email Validation Library 2.15 | 3 Mb

The .NET Email Validation Library by Kellerman Software is the cutting edge of email validation. We spent months analyzing fake email addresses. The fake email pattern checker eliminates numerous bad emails that actually return as valid email addresses with our competitors. It detects mail servers that implement grey listing so the email addresses can be verified later. It detects servers that are blocking your mail server. It detects disposable email addresses such as It detects free email addresses. Sick of curse words in your mailing list? Eliminate them. The .NET Email Validation library doesn't have levels; it has options. Choose whatever options suit your project. Yes it performs industry standard syntax checking, mxRecord (Mail Exchange Record) lookups, and mailbox verification using multiple threads asynchronously. It supports all .NET project types including Winforms, ASP.NET, and Web Services. It supports all .NET languages including VB.NET and C#. Download the full list of features.
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Debenu Quick PDF Library 12.12 Retail

Debenu Quick PDF Library 12.12 Retail
Debenu Quick PDF Library 12.12 Retail | 104 Mb

Want to create, render, print, secure, merge, split and manipulate PDF files with just a few lines of code on Windows, Mac, iOS and Android? Enhance your capability with Debenu Quick PDF Library: a powerful, royalty-free developer PDF SDK for adding PDF functionality to your applications. With more than 900 functions for use with C, C++, C#, Delphi (version 4 to XE8), Objective-C, Swift, Python, PHP, Visual Basic, VB.NET, ASP, PowerBASIC, Pascal and more – it’s like your ultimate PDF toolkit. Used by developers of all levels working with PDFs, it’s specifically useful for getting products to market faster. It includes a robust API, and is available in a variety of different editions for use on Windows, Mac, iOS and Android.
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Debenu PDF Viewer SDK Retail

Debenu PDF Viewer SDK Retail
Debenu PDF Viewer SDK Retail | 13 Mb

Debenu PDF Viewer SDK is an add-on to Debenu Quick PDF Library which enables you to add PDF viewer functionality to your applications within minutes. While you could build your own PDF viewing functionality using only the “vanilla” Debenu Quick PDF Library, the SDK makes the task much faster and easier. The viewer control is provided as an ActiveX which means that it will support any programming environment with ActiveX support such as C#, C++, Delphi, Visual Basic and many more.
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