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ZylIdleTimer 1.45 for Deplhi 10.3 Rio Patched DCU

ZylIdleTimer 1.45 for Deplhi 10.3 Rio Patched DCU
ZylIdleTimer 1.45 for Deplhi 10.3 Rio Patched DCU

ZylIdleTimer is a Delphi & C++Builder event driven component which lets you to take actions after a specified system-wide (related to the whole system) or application (related only to the application) idle time or to check the time interval of user inactivity. System Idle time is the time interval of full user inactivity. In this interval any user action is missing on the computer, like pressing a key of the keyboard or moving the mouse or pressing a mouse button or rotating the scroll.
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Winnovative PDF Security Library for .NET 7.1 Retail

Winnovative PDF Security Library for .NET 7.1 Retail
Winnovative PDF Security Library for .NET 7.1 Retail

The PDF Security library for .NET can be linked into any .NET application, either ASP.NET web sites or Windows Forms applications, to add pdf encryption capabilities to your application. The Winnovative PDF security for .NET can be used in any type of application to manage the security settings of the PDF documents. You can encrypt the PDF content, add user and owner passwords, control the PDF document permissions for printing, copying, assembling, filling forms, editing content, editing annotations, etc or you can specify the length of the encryption key to 40 or 128 bits, remove all the security settings by providing the user or owner password.
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ZylTimer 1.32 for Deplhi 10.3 Rio Patched DCU

ZylTimer 1.32 for Deplhi 10.3 Rio Patched DCU
ZylTimer 1.32 for Deplhi 10.3 Rio Patched DCU

ZylTimer is a high resolution, long-term Delphi & C++Builder timer component which provides a higher precision than the standard Delphi / C++ Builder TTimer component. TTimer component which ships with Delphi & C++Builder uses the Windows Message Queue to generate the OnTimer event. Due to this approach it's impossible to get accurate timer intervals smaller than 15 milliseconds. ZylTimer is a thread based timer and due to this architecture provides a higher precision (1-2 milliseconds), which is inevitable in time critical applications.
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Symbol Factory 3.0.68

Symbol Factory 3.0.68
Symbol Factory 3.0.68

Symbol Factory 3.0 combines a powerful graphic library management tool with over 4,000 professionally built vector objects that can be used in your HMI application in a variety of file formats. Images may be distributed with custom applications royalty free and OEM licenses are available for bundling with off-the-shelf software. For an ActiveX version check out Symbol Factory ActiveX. For .NET see Symbol Factory.NET.
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VectorDraw Web Library 8.8002.0.1

VectorDraw Web Library 8.8002.0.1
VectorDraw Web Library 8.8002.0.1

After reasearching for several years the posibility of showing or work over the internet and rejecting various projects we ended up to the conclusion that with the help of jаvascript we will be able to demonstrate vector graphics over the web in internet browsers other than the Microsoft's IE (where the ocx is supported). So Finally we are proud to announce the VectorDraw Web Library.

What is it?
A vector 3D graphics library that is designed to not only open CAD drawings but also display generic vector objects on any platform that supports the HTML 5 standard, such as Windows, Android, IOS and Linux. It can be executed in every major web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Dolphin, Boat and more) that support the use of canvas and jаvascript, without any installation. This means that you can show your work from many formats like DXF, DWG, DGN, SKP (Google's Sketchup), VDML and more, on almost every Computer, Tablet, Smartphone or Laptop out there. VectorDraw web library is written exclusively in jаvascript and runs on the client side, also it contains an object model similar to that of DXF and .Net VectorDraw Framework components.
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ScannerMApp: a QR/barcode scanner app with Delphi, ZXing and TFrameStand

ScannerMApp: a QR/barcode scanner app with Delphi, ZXing and TFrameStand

It is plenty out there of barcode/QR code scanner apps (both on Android Play Store and Apple AppStore [and iOS 11 include native code scanner in the camera app]) so it may seem there is no need to build a new one but this is not true!

In this blog post I will describe how I built a barcode scanner app (ScannerMApp, currently available in a beta stage on the Play Store) in Delphi using the Edward Spelt’s Delphi port of the ZXing library and my TFrameStand component.
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