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Sublime Text 3.2 Build 3202 Dev Builds

Sublime Text 3.2 Build 3202 Dev Builds
Sublime Text 3.2 Build 3202 Dev Builds

Sublime Text is a comprehensive text editor that supports plain text and programming languages (including HTML), and it is the portable version of Sublime Text. The user-friendly interface has a modern-looking design that is highly customizable. This means that you can control the font size and color scheme used within the program. In addition to that, you can also hide or reveal certain tabs and tool bars. A search function is available throughout the text and for files. You may switch to full screen mode, customize the layout (e.g. columns, grid), enable syntax highlighting (e.g. Perl, PHP, SQL, XML), use a spell checker, as well as record and save macros, among many other options.
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