Snackbar » Developer.Team

Bunifu.UI.WinForms.BunifuSnackbar v6.0.2

Bunifu.UI.WinForms.BunifuSnackbar v6.0.2
Bunifu.UI.WinForms.BunifuSnackbar v6.0.2

Bunifu Snackbar is an impressive interruption-free control, that provides pop-up messages after specific actions are enacted by the user in the Windows Form. For example, when a user clicks a delete button in the Windows Form application, you might want to inform them that the message has been deleted. You might even want to give them an option to undo the action. It is fully customizable and will provide you as a developer with a ton of options for customizing predefined standard notification types such as success, information, and error. Other customizable options include animations, durations, and dismissing toasts. Let’s flick through on this Windows Form application that leverages on this control.
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