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OrangeUI For FMX 1.2 Full Source

OrangeUI For FMX 1.2 Full Source
OrangeUI For FMX 1.2 Full Source | Free For All | 56 Mb

OrangeUI is a cross-VCL and FMX framework skin engine, VCL Edition supports the latest version of D7 ~ XE, FMX edition Given XE2 ~ XE7 these transitions have become mobile development version, unstable, it only supports XE5UP2 above and, if after XE6 out performance is more good, then will only support XE7.
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TX Text Control .NET for Windows Forms X11 version 21.0

TX Text Control .NET for Windows Forms X11 version 21.0
TX Text Control .NET for Windows Forms X11 | 65 Mb

TX Text Control .NET for Windows Forms is a royalty-free, fully programmable rich edit control that offers developers a broad range of word processing features in a reusable component for Visual Studio. It provides comprehensive text formatting, powerful mail merge features and all word processing key concepts such as table support, images, headers and footers and page sections.
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DotNetBar for Windows Forms

DotNetBar for Windows Forms
DotNetBar for Windows Forms | 95 Mb

DotNetBar is world's first component to introduce fully featured Office 2013, Office 2010, Windows 7 and Office 2007 style Ribbon controls, first to provide full Windows XP Theme support, first to provide Diamond Docking Guides for dockable windows etc. With DotNetBar you always get latest advancements in user interface technology in your applications before anyone else. Don't take our word for it, read what others are saying about our products and support...
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DewLabStudio 2014 for XE7

DewLabStudio 2014 for XE7
DewLabStudio 2014 for XE7 | 126 Mb

Dew Research brings developers these fine RAD (Rapid Application Development) tools that speed up custom software application development in many scientific and engineering fields. The Embarcadero and Microsoft platforms are fast and powerful tools for application software development and when you integrate our math library components, you achieve even shorter custom application development cycle times.

Dew Lab Studio 2014 with support for Rad Studio XE7 is now available. DSP Master received support for the new audio API available from Windows Vista onward. The codebase now also compiles for OSx and Android, although no official support yet.
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AidAim SQLMemTable Pro 9.0 Full Source Retail

SQLMemTable is a simple and fast in-memory database for Delphi and C++ Builder. SQLMemTable does not require BDE and provides all the TTable functions such as master / detail relationship, filtering, searching, sorting, blob fields, key and range methods, as well as some advanced features like blob fields compression and Unicode support.
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TWebBrowserEx XE6-XE7 FMX

TWebBrowserEx XE6-XE7 FMX
TWebBrowserEx XE6-XE7 FMX | 73 kB

TWebBrowser is a visual component, that permits loading and displaying the Web content or local files. The loaded URL or the name of the loaded file is specified through the URL property. TWebBrowser offers support for the basic functions of a browser, such as: navigate to URL, go back, go forward, along with specific events.
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TCAD for VCL 2013.3

TCAD for VCL 2013.3
TCAD for VCL 2013.3 | 23 Mb

TCAD is a component that will help you write vector graphics applications. Shapes can be interacted with by mouse or code. support dynamic link line ,It is easy to use, effective and powerful. It will save you valuable time.
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Eurekalog Professional Edition Retail

Eurekalog Professional Edition Retail
Eurekalog Professional Edition Retail | 122 Mb

EurekaLog is the new Delphi and C++Builder exception tracer tool that gives your application (GUI, Console, Web, etc.) the power to catch all exceptions, memory leaks and detect infinite-loops and deadlocks. It generates a detailed log with the call stack at the point that raised the exception, showing unit, class, method and line number, (see this example), and displays it on screen and optionally sends it back to you via email or to a Web Server (using the HTTP-S/FTP protocols or sending directly to your preferred "Web Bug Tracker" software), thus helping speed up the process of bug-location and resolution by a factor of 10!
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