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DIXml 5.10.0 D6-XE10.1

DIXml 5.10.0 D6-XE10.1
DIXml 5.10.0 D6-XE10.1 | 12 Mb

DIXml is an embedded XML, XSLT, and EXSLT processing library for Delphi (Embarcadero / CodeGear / Borland). It is build on the libxml2, libxslt and libexslt libraries. However, DIXml requires no DLLs or any other external files whatsoever. All required code is compiled completely into the application's executable. DIXml is the most feature-complete XML and XSLT solution for Delphi.
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Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC R1 2017 2017.1.118

Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC R1 2017 2017.1.118
Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC R1 2017 2017.1.118 | 82 Mb

Enjoy components for every need: navigation and layout, data management and visualization, editing, interactivity and more. In our 11 years of aggressive product development including 3 major and up to 6 minor releases per year we have implemented, tested and optimized over 4,000 features in Telerik ASP.NET controls.
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Telerik Kendo UI R1 2017.1.118 Commercial

Telerik Kendo UI R1 2017.1.118 Commercial
Telerik Kendo UI R1 2017.1.118 Commercial | 58 Mb

Build apps that look-and-feel native on iOS, Android and BlackBerry. Target multiple phone and tablet platforms with a single UI codebase, using only HTML5, j@vascript, and Kendo UI Mobile. Present rich visual information on any browser and any device. Enjoy hardware-accelerated, touch-aware data visualization widgets, including animated charts, graphs and gauges. Quickly create awesome cross-platform HTML5 apps using an end-to-end framework, engineered for unmatched performance, minimal footprint and ease of use for j@vascript beginners.
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SQLines Data 3.1.31

SQLines tool allows you to convert database schema (DDL), queries and DML statements, views, stored procedures, packages, functions and triggers from Oracle to MySQL. SQLines converts SQL scripts and standalone SQL statements. To migrate data and database schema from an Oracle database to MySQL use SQLines Data tool. SQLines Data is a scalable, high performance data transfer, schema conversion and validation tool for MariaDB, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sybase and Informix.
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Devsense PHP Tools for Visual Studio 1.22.9523

Devsense PHP Tools for Visual Studio 1.22.9523
Devsense PHP Tools for Visual Studio 1.22.9523 | 23 Mb

PHP Tools transparently integrate into Microsoft Visual Studio, and extend it with the support for PHP language. The extension is focused on developer productivity respecting conventions. It understands your code, provides smart code completion, quick navigation, syntax error checking, integrated PHP manual, project system, debugging support and more. PHP Tools for Visual Studio brings seamless analysis of source code within PHP projects. In addition to IntelliSense improvements, this feature gives you smart code validation which underlines unused variables, type mismatches, dead code and other suspicious constructs in your code.
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eWorld ASP Maker 2017.0.3 Retail

eWorld ASP Maker 2017.0.3 Retail
eWorld ASP Maker 2017.0.3 Retail | 31 Mb

ASPMaker is a powerful ASP code generator that can generate a full set of ASP (Active Server Pages) quickly from a Microsoft Access Database, SQL Server or other databases supporting ODBC. Using ASPMaker, you can instantly create Web sites that allow users to view, edit, search, add and delete records on the Web. ASPMaker is designed for high flexibility, it offers numerous options for you to generate ASP applications that best suits your needs. The generated codes are clean, straightforward and easy-to-customize. ASPMaker can save you tons of time and is suitable for both beginners and experienced developers alike.
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JSONBuddy | 41 Mb

A better way to edit and create JSON
JSON grid-style editor for WindowsВ® to create error-free JSON with ease.
Intelligent auto-completion (Intellisense). Write JSON in less time.
JSON syntax checking and JSON Schema validator.
Convert between JSON and XML.
Import CSV text and get JSON.
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Devsense PHP Tools for Visual Studio 1.21.9306

Devsense PHP Tools for Visual Studio 1.21.9306
Devsense PHP Tools for Visual Studio 1.21.9306 | 27 Mb

PHP Tools transparently integrate into Microsoft Visual Studio, and extend it with the support for PHP language. The extension is focused on developer productivity respecting conventions. It understands your code, provides smart code completion, quick navigation, syntax error checking, integrated PHP manual, project system, debugging support and more. PHP Tools for Visual Studio brings seamless analysis of source code within PHP projects. In addition to IntelliSense improvements, this feature gives you smart code validation which underlines unused variables, type mismatches, dead code and other suspicious constructs in your code.
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