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XLSReadWriteII v6.00.32a for D7, Berlin & Delphi 10.2.3

XLSReadWriteII v6.00.32a for D7, Berlin & Delphi 10.2.3
XLSReadWriteII v6.00.32a for D7, Berlin & Delphi 10.2.3

Native access to Excel files. The user doesn't need to have Excel, or any other software installed. XLSReadWriteII uses it's own memory manager that is optimized for storing cell values. This means that you can work with larger files. If your files still not will fit in memory, there is a Direct Read and Direct Write modes that let you process files on disc.
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MD5 File Hasher Pro 2.0.0000.0

MD5 File Hasher Pro 2.0.0000.0
MD5 File Hasher Pro 2.0.0000.0

With MD5 File Hasher any file can be checked for changes, damage or manipulation. The speedy calculation of MD5 check sums of files or directories is efficient and can be completed rapidly. In addition, scheduled tasks allow for automated checks of any file or directory. The customization of filters and rules allows detailed customization based on your unique requirements. Read for yourself what features are included in MD5 File Hasher and how MD5 File Hasher complements your antivirus software.
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MZTools .Net/VB/VBA

MZTools .Net/VB/VBA
MZTools .Net/VB/VBA

MZ-Tools provides many benefits to developers (individual or inside a team) and team leads:

Code faster: with customizable code templates, headers, exception/error handlers, etc.
Design faster: with designers to set quickly the name, caption, tabindex and other default properties.
Find code faster: with unlimited output windows with trees of results, either to search code, method callers, etc.
Generate documentation: in either XML or customizable HTML output formats.
Ensure quality and standards: define standards through flexible rules and ensure that the team follows them.
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