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dotnetCHARTING Webforms/WinForms v10.0

dotnetCHARTING Webforms/WinForms v10.0
dotnetCHARTING Webforms/WinForms v10.0

.netCHARTING enables your web site to display massive amounts of dynamically generated data quickly and easily through a visual interface. Built with 100% managed code using C# and provided with extensive samples in both VB.NET and C#, this high performance charting control also contains a feature rich data access and aggregation system with calculation support. We continue to add value and functionality (such as the gauge and dial chart added in 2.5, the geographic map chart and vector chart in 4.0, AJAX scroll / zoom in 5.0, organizational charts in 5.1, digital dashboards charts in 6.0, TreeMap charts in 6.1 and jаvascript HTML5 Charts in 7.0, Circular Gauges in 9.0) and a dedicated ASP.NET MVC chart bundle in 9.3 all included with no add-on purchases required.
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ZylGPSReceiverAX 3.14

ZylGPSReceiverAX 3.14
ZylGPSReceiverAX 3.14

ZylGPSReceiverAX is an ActiveX control that communicates with a GPS receiver. It returns latitude, longitude, altitude, speed, course, heading and many other parameters of the position. This control works with any NMEA 0183 compatible receiver connected to one of the serial ports.You can use it also with USB, IrDA and Bluetooth devices, because these devices have a driver that redirects the input from the USB, IrDA or Bluetooth port to a virtual serial port (you can check it in System/Device Manager/Ports). If your USB device is not provided with such a driver, then use a USB controller whose vendor provides a virtual serial port driver, such as FTDI or use a USB/RS-232 adapter. For Garmin receivers you have to install Spanner software.
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VisualGDB Ultimate Edition Preview 7 Beta + VisualKernel-3.1r6

VisualGDB Ultimate Edition Preview 7 Beta + VisualKernel-3.1r6
VisualGDB Ultimate Edition Preview 7 Beta + VisualKernel-3.1r6

Cross-platform development with Visual Studio easy and comfortable. It supports:

Barebone embedded systems and IoT modules (see full list)
C/C++ Linux Applications
Native Android Apps and Libraries
Raspberry Pi and other Linux boards
Linux kernel modules (separate VisualKernel product)
Target your own devices and platforms with Extensibility API
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WiseJ v2.1.81 Cracked - Build Web Applications 100x Faster with C# or VB.NET

WiseJ v2.1.81 Cracked - Build Web Applications 100x Faster with C# or VB.NET
WiseJ v2.1.81 Cracked - Build Web Applications 100x Faster with C# or VB.NET

Wisej provides a platform and set of tools designed to ease the burden of developing, testing, deploying, and maintaining complex business software. It bridges the gap between traditional WinForms-style desktop applications and the web by empowering developers to leverage their existing .NET and C# skills. Developers are able to use the tools they are familiar with, like a pixel-perfect design surface and drag-and-drop controls with the languages they are comfortable with (C# or VB.NET) to build real-time web applications without having to learn HTML, CSS, or jаvascript. They can stay in their favorite IDE like Visual Studio to take advantage of features like IntelliSense, integrated debugging, design surfaces and source control integration. Front-end developers can leverage their knowledge of web technologies to augment applications and seamlessly integrate third-party packages like HTML5 charting libraries and ASP.NET controls.
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Visual Micro 2020.708.7 for VS 2017 - 2019 (Visual Studio IDE for Arduino)

Visual Micro 2020.708.7 for VS 2017 - 2019 (Visual Studio IDE for Arduino)
Visual Micro 2020.708.7 for VS 2017 - 2019 (Visual Studio IDE for Arduino)

Note to new users: Intellisense and build/upload are two seperate functions of Visual Micro. You might see a few invalid intellisense errors (which you should report to the forum). After building a project with substantial code changes intellisense will become more accurate. However for some boards it is only 99% but can easily be extended.... Set the "Errors List" window to "Build Only" and/or "Open Documents Only" if false intellisense errors are annoying you, +report your code + board name to the forum thanks!
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HDDPhysic (x86/x64)

HDDPhysic (x86/x64)
HDDPhysic (x86/x64)

HDDPhysic is a stand-alone component (32/64-bit Windows dynamic-link library - DLL) that can be used to extract the physical vendor information from the computer hard disk drive, HDD (such as the unique serial number or model number). The physical hard disk serial number is a unique number per hard drive device. If you want a way to identify your application user by generating a serial number for the computer currently running, this is the best approach because you can actually lock your application to the user hard drive by checking the serial number. You can find the actual physical serial number written on your hard drive, just have a look at the hdd labels if you have visual access to your hardware.
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Visual Build 10.3 (x86) Professional

Visual Build 10.3 (x86) Professional
Visual Build 10.3 (x86) Professional

Visual Build enables developers and build masters to easily create an automated, repeatable build process.

Automate building and deployment of web applications, games, desktop software, enterprise development and administrative tasks, and more.
Includes an intuitive GUI front-end for quickly creating, debugging, and managing projects.
Hundreds of built-in actions for most common build operations and third-party products.
Improve product release quality and find and fix bugs more quickly.
Let Visual Build do the repetitive work for you, freeing up your time to focus on the fun stuff.
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