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XamRight 1.976

XamRight 1.976
XamRight 1.976

When writing code in C# you get a lot of help from the language and IDEs keeping you from making a bunch of kinds of mistakes. Type safety stops a lot of potential bugs from making it past the Compile step. The refactoring support for C# is pretty slick as well. Move code around, rename stuff, change namespaces, and it all gets sorted out quickly.
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XamRight v1.954

XamRight v1.954
XamRight v1.954

When writing code in C# you get a lot of help from the language and IDEs keeping you from making a bunch of kinds of mistakes. Type safety stops a lot of potential bugs from making it past the Compile step. The refactoring support for C# is pretty slick as well. Move code around, rename stuff, change namespaces, and it all gets sorted out quickly.
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Qlik NPrinting Kits April 2019

Qlik NPrinting Kits April 2019
Qlik NPrinting Kits April 2019

Qlik NPrinting can now send email notifications in case of errors,
warnings or success for publish tasks, import tasks and connection
cache reloading. Email task notification can be configured in the new
Task tab under the Admin -> Settings menu. The task notification
email will contain a link to the task and, in case of errors or warnings,
also a part of the logs.
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XamRight 1.888

XamRight 1.888
XamRight 1.888

When writing code in C# you get a lot of help from the language and IDEs keeping you from making a bunch of kinds of mistakes. Type safety stops a lot of potential bugs from making it past the Compile step. The refactoring support for C# is pretty slick as well. Move code around, rename stuff, change namespaces, and it all gets sorted out quickly.
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TMS FixInsight 2019.01

TMS FixInsight 2019.01
TMS FixInsight 2019.01

FixInsight performs static code analysis to help you find bugs early in the development process:
Identify potential errors and oddities
Produce a list of warnings when issues are found
Check your code for coding convention compliance (list of code patterns handled by FixInsight can be found in the documentation)
Exclude specific units from analysis by entering their names in the Settings window
Suppress particular warnings
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XamRight 1.749

XamRight 1.749
XamRight 1.749

When writing code in C# you get a lot of help from the language and IDEs keeping you from making a bunch of kinds of mistakes. Type safety stops a lot of potential bugs from making it past the Compile step. The refactoring support for C# is pretty slick as well. Move code around, rename stuff, change namespaces, and it all gets sorted out quickly.
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XamRight 1.656

XamRight 1.656
XamRight 1.656

When writing code in C# you get a lot of help from the language and IDEs keeping you from making a bunch of kinds of mistakes. Type safety stops a lot of potential bugs from making it past the Compile step. The refactoring support for C# is pretty slick as well. Move code around, rename stuff, change namespaces, and it all gets sorted out quickly.
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TMS FixInsight 2017.11 for D2006-XE10.2

TMS FixInsight 2017.11 for D2006-XE10.2
TMS FixInsight 2017.11 for D2006-XE10.2 | 3 Mb

Code analysis tool for Delphi developers that detects issues in Delphi source code.

Feature overview

FixInsight performs static code analysis to help you find bugs early in the development process:

Identify potential errors and oddities
Produce a list of warnings when issues are found
Check your code for coding convention compliance (list of code patterns handled by FixInsight can be found in the documentation)
Exclude specific units from analysis by entering their names in the Settings window
Suppress particular warnings
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