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Introduction to Xamarin.Forms

Introduction to Xamarin.Forms
Introduction to Xamarin.Forms

Why is Xamarin.Forms so quickly becoming the go-to solution for writing apps that run on multiple platforms? For one, Xamarin.Forms lets you build cross-platform mobile apps that run on iOS, Android, and Windows Phone with business logic written in C# and UIs built in XAML. Moreover, Xamarin.Forms apps compile into native apps that are indistinguishable from apps written in Java and Objective-C. Get the details on these reasons and more, in this Xamarin.Forms training with expert Jeff Prosise. Get an overview of the platform, take a look at using XAML to build cross-platform UIs, and explore your first Xamarin.Forms app. Learn about using OnPlatform to optimize UIs, and find out about how apps respond to orientation changes. Plus, see lots of demos, as you get a fast start on Xamarin.Forms. Be sure to check out this course, part of an exciting new series from Wintellect and Microsoft.
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