Web Development » Page 63

Visual Studio Code - PHP Intelephense Extension v1.3.9

Visual Studio Code - PHP Intelephense Extension v1.3.9
Visual Studio Code - PHP Intelephense Extension v1.3.9

Intelephense is a high performance PHP language server packed full of essential features for productive PHP development.

Fast camel/underscore case code completion (IntelliSense). Offering detailed suggestions for document, workspace and built-in symbols and keywords. Automatic addition of use declarations.
Detailed signature (parameter) help for document, workspace and built-in constructors, methods, and functions.
Rapid workspace wide go to definition support.
Workspace wide find all references.
Fast camel/underscore case workspace symbol search.
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All in One SEO Pack Pro v3.3.5

All in One SEO Pack Pro v3.3.5
All in One SEO Pack Pro v3.3.5

All in One SEO Pack Pro is the popular WordPress plugin for managing the Search Engine Optimization of your website or blog. All in One SEO Pack is the most downloaded plugin for WordPress with over 14 million downloads to date. Chances are you've searched Google and found a website that's running this powerful WordPress plugin.
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WoowBot Pro v12.3.1 - Chat Bot for WooCommerce

WoowBot Pro v12.3.1 - Chat Bot for WooCommerce
WoowBot Pro v12.3.1 - Chat Bot for WooCommerce

WoowBot is a stand alone WooCommerce ChatBot with zero configuration or bot training required. This plug n’ play chatbot or conversational commerce shopbot does not require any 3rd party service integration. This is a simple ChatBot that lets your woocommerce shoppers search and find the right product quickly. This shopping bot helps shoppers find the products they are looking for easily and increase store sales through conversational chat and increase your customer conversion rates!
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GuestPass - Apartment Guest Managment App

GuestPass - Apartment Guest Managment App
GuestPass - Apartment Guest Managment App

Guest pass – a complete solution for apartment security, now validate known or unknown guest from the app and allow them to enter in our apartment / in our premises. Guest pass – a complete solution for apartment security, now validate known or unknown guest from the app and allow them to enter in our apartment / in our premises.
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Breeze v8.1.3.0 - Giant Social Network Platform

Breeze v8.1.3.0 - Giant Social Network Platform
Breeze v8.1.3.0 - Giant Social Network Platform

Breeze Ultimate is the one and lonely clone of nicely know social community the Fb.It lets you setup your dream website, your personal social community like Fb.This new social community rolls all one of the best bits of our earlier social community and previous/new concepts into one, straightforward to put in and handle.Breeze Ultimate platform has numerous options with numerous browser help together with IE9 class previous browsers.It has trendy responsive design, retina show prepared, full fb look in addition to options, graphs, charts, sensible messenger, 7th Gen advance search engines (Top search, pages, groups, videos, photos, users, posts and very own profile).
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GoJS for HTML5/Canvas 2.1.8

GoJS for HTML5/Canvas 2.1.8
GoJS for HTML5/Canvas 2.1.8

GoJS makes it easy to construct interactive diagrams of Nodes, Links, and Groups, with customizable templates and layouts. GoJS supports graphical templates and data-binding of object properties to model data. Only the model, consisting of simple jаvascript objects, needs to be saved and restored. GoJS makes it easy to read and write models in JSON format. We provide comprehensive API documentation and in-depth overviews of GoJS concepts, with interactive examples. With over 90 samples, you'll find numerous examples of GoJS properties and methods.
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