Materials for 17.02.2019 » Developer.Team - Developers Paradise!

UiPath Studio v2018.4.3

UiPath Studio v2018.4.3
UiPath Studio v2018.4.3

Automation excellence requires a tool that can model all your organization’s business processes, regardless of complexity and scale. UiPath Studio, our powerful and user-friendly automation canvas, is an essential component in the UiPath platform. UiPath Studio features a rich collection of pre-built activities, integrates with several programming languages, and promotes ease-of-use, scalability, and efficiency.
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ZZZProjects .NET Entity Framework Extensions for PostgreSQL 3.16.24

ZZZProjects .NET Entity Framework Extensions for PostgreSQL 3.16.24
ZZZProjects .NET Entity Framework Extensions for PostgreSQL 3.16.24

Entity Framework Extensions extends your DbContext with high-performance bulk operations: BulkSaveChanges, BulkInsert, BulkUpdate, BulkDelete, BulkMerge, and more. If you are looking for performance enhancement, more flexibility, LINQ Dynamic, and an outstanding customer support, then EF Extensions is for you! EF Extensions improve your application and database performance by reducing the number of database round-trips. On average, people report performance increase by 25x.
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Context Database Designer 3.43 with Extension Retail

Context Database Designer 3.43 with Extension Retail
Context Database Designer 3.43 with Extension Retail

Context Database Designer does what very few professional and very expensive tools can - it is able to automatically generate create/alter/drop DDL scripts for virtually any database engine. Moreover, it also is able to import SQL DDL scripts from virtually any database engine, which is accomplished by highly customizable SQL generator/parser - a unique component, developed by Contexts Software. The only thing required in order to support another database engine is creating a simple text profile, which defines the specifics of SQL scripts for that particular type of database.
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TMS RemoteDB 1.13 Full Source

TMS RemoteDB 1.13 Full Source
TMS RemoteDB 1.13 Full Source

TMS RemoteDB allows you to create database applications that perform SQL operations on a remote http server, instead of a database server, using a TDataset descendant. This makes it easy to convert existing Delphi client-server applications into 3-tier applications with minimal changes in source code.
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