Delphi » Page 599

DevArt SecureBridge 6.3.4 Full Source D5-XE7

DevArt SecureBridge 6.3.4 Full Source D5-XE7
DevArt SecureBridge 6.3.4 Full Source D5-XE7 | 13 Mb

SecureBridge represents clients and servers for SSH, SFTP and SSL protocols as a network security solution. It protects any TCP traffic using SSH or SSL secure transport layer protocols, that provide authentication for both client and server, strong data encryption, and data integrity verification. SecureBridge components can be used in conjunction with data access components to prevent data interception or modification in an untrusted network.
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Fastreport FMX Embarcadero Edition 1.0.20 D4-XE7

Fastreport FMX Embarcadero Edition 1.0.20 D4-XE7
Fastreport FMX Embarcadero Edition 1.0.20 D4-XE7 | 17 Mb

Multi-platform report generator for Apple Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows, compatible with Embarcadero RAD Studio XE (FMX library), FireMonkey FM3. Report generator FastReport FMX is the first multi-platform solution for integrating Business Intelligence into software based on Embarcadero FireMonkey IDE (Delphi for MS Windows and Apple Mac OS X).
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FastReports 4.15.10 For XE-XE7

FastReports 4.15.10 For XE-XE7
FastReports 4.15.10 For XE-XE7 | 11.5 Mb

FastReport 4 VCL is an add-on component that allows your application to generate reports quickly and efficiently. FastReportВ® provides all the necessary tools to develop reports, including a visual report designer, a reporting core, and a preview window. It can be used in the Embarcadero (ex Borland and CodeGear) Delphi 4-XE6, C++Builder 6-XE7.
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EMS Advanced Data Export VCL v4.10.2.1 Full Source

EMS Advanced Data Export VCL v4.10.2.1 Full Source

EMS Advanced Data Export VCL v4.10.2.1 Full Source | 4 Mb

Advanced Data Export VCL is a component suite for Borland Delphi and C++ Builder that allows you to save your data in the most popular data formats for the future viewing, modification, printing or web publication. You can export data into MS Access, MS Excel, MS Word (RTF), Open XML Format, Open Document Format (ODF), HTML, XML, PDF, TXT, DBF, CSV and more! There will be no need to waste your time on tiresome data conversion - Advanced Data Export will do the task quickly and will give the result in the desired format.
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Raize CodeSite 5.1.6

Raize CodeSite 5.1.6
Raize CodeSite 5.1.6 | 48 Mb

When CodeSite was first introduced, it immediately changed the way developers locate problems in their code. In subsequent releases, CodeSite was extended beyond the developer's workstation to become a full-featured application logging system. Now, CodeSite 5.0 takes application logging and debugging to a new level by focusing on developer productivity, usability, logging capabilities, and deployment. CodeSite 5.0 supports the latest development frameworks and integrated development environments including Embarcadero RAD Studio XE7. CodeSite 5.0 introduces a redesigned message transport format, a flexible new log file format, and even more ways of logging important information from your application. For example, CS5 includes new TraceMethod functionality, profiling timers, PNG image support, and much more. In addition, CodeSite messages can now be transported and saved in a log file in compressed format, which reduces the size of the message on disk and also obfuscates the message data the log file.
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FireMonkey Premium Styles Pack for RAD Studio XE7

FireMonkey Premium Styles Pack for RAD Studio XE7
FireMonkey Premium Styles Pack for RAD Studio XE7 | 9 Mb

This style pack works with Delphi/C++Builder/RAD Studio XE7. It includes styles for Windows, Mac, iOS, iOS 7 and Android. Available free to registered users of Delphi XE5, C++Builder XE6, RAD Studio XE7 (except Starter editions), and Embarcadero All-Access XE. For instructions on how to use custom styles in your FireMonkey applications.
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AlphaControls 9.10 Full Source

AlphaControls 9.10 Full Source
AlphaControls 9.10 Full Source | 2 Mb

AlphaControls - a set of common and some unique components that support skins (AlphaSkins), as well as having some additional features. All skin elements can have their own properties for advanced drawing the gradient, realistic framework, semi-transparent and blurry shadows. Graphics functions produce all the calculations and drawing in real-time. Added property BoundLabel for editing elements. Handled various mouse events, which gives some additional features components. Manager prompts controls the tips in the application and gives them a beautiful view with a lot of settings that can be changed by a special designer. Analogs of standard components provide all the functionality and add a lot of new solutions to improve software quality and their appearance.
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Devart UniDAC 5.3.10 Full Source

Devart UniDAC 5.3.10 Full Source
Devart UniDAC 5.3.10 Full Source | 8.5 Mb

Universal Data Access Components (UniDAC) is a powerful library of nonvisual cross-database data access components for Delphi, Delphi for .NET, C++Builder, and Lazarus (Free Pascal). We have combined the experience of long-term successful development into one product, which provides unified access to the popular database servers like Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, InterBase, Firebird, PostgreSQL, SQLite, DB2, Microsoft Access, Sybase Advantage Database Server, Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise, and other databases (using ODBC provider).
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SDAC Pro (SQL Server Data Access Components) 6.11.22 Full Source D7-XE7

SDAC Pro (SQL Server Data Access Components) 6.11.22 Full Source D7-XE7
SDAC Pro (SQL Server Data Access Components) 6.11.22 Full Source D7-XE7 | 78 Mb

SQL Server Data Access Components (SDAC) is a library of components that provides native connectivity to SQL Server from Delphi, C++Builder, Lazarus (and Free Pascal) for both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows platforms. SDAC-based applications connect to SQL Server directly through OLE DB, which is a native SQL Server interface. SDAC is designed to help programmers develop faster and cleaner SQL Server database applications.
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Raize Components 6.1.10 Retail

Raize Components 6.1.10 Retail

Raize Components 6.1.10 Retail | 106 Mb

Raize Components is a user interface design system for Delphi and C++Builder. At its center is a collection of more than 125 general-purpose native VCL controls. Built on a foundation of technology first created more than fifteen years ago, these high-quality components give developers unsurpassed power and flexibility without sacrificing ease-of-use. In addition to the core set of controls, Raize Components includes more than 100 component designers focused on simplifying user interface development. Now more than ever, developers use Raize Components to build sophisticated user interfaces in less time with less effort.

Embarcadero RAD Studio XE7              -- Delphi XE7, C++Builder XE7
Embarcadero RAD Studio XE6              -- Delphi XE6, C++Builder XE6
Embarcadero RAD Studio XE5              -- Delphi XE5, C++Builder XE5
Embarcadero RAD Studio XE4              -- Delphi XE4, C++Builder XE4
Embarcadero RAD Studio XE3              -- Delphi XE3, C++Builder XE3
Embarcadero RAD Studio XE2 (Update 1)   -- Delphi XE2, C++Builder XE2
Embarcadero RAD Studio XE (Update 1)    -- Delphi XE, C++Builder XE
Embarcadero RAD Studio 2010             -- Delphi 2010, C++Builder 2010   
CodeGear RAD Studio 2009                -- Delphi 2009, C++Builder 2009
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