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Winsoft NFC Library for Android 5.7 Delphi XE7-10.3 Rio Cracked

Winsoft NFC Library for Android 5.7 Delphi XE7-10.3 Rio Cracked
Winsoft NFC Library for Android 5.7 Delphi XE7-10.3 Rio Cracked

Delphi and C++ Builder NFC library for Android.

Uses Android NFC API
Provides reading, writing and formatting NFC tags
Provides Android Beam data transfer
Supports ISO-DEP, NDEF, NFC-A, NFC-B, NFC-F, NFC-V, MIFARE Classic and MIFARE Ultralight tags
Available for Delphi/C++ Builder XE7 - 10.3
Source code included in registered version
Royalty free distribution in applications
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VectorDraw Developer Framework v8

VectorDraw Developer Framework v8
VectorDraw Developer Framework v8

VectorDraw Developer Framework (VDF) is a graphics engine-library that can be used from developers in order to visualize their applications. With the functionality provided, our customers can easily create, edit, manage, export, import and print 2d and 3d drawings - graphic files. A powerful format used by VDF named VDML (and VDCL same as VDML but compressed) XML based that supports custom objects and is not depended from the component's version. The library also supports for import-export several vector and raster formats including native PDF and SVG export.
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Winsoft SimpleMAPI Component Suite 3.3 for Delphi 7 - 10.3 Rio Cracked

Winsoft SimpleMAPI Component Suite 3.3 for Delphi 7 - 10.3 Rio Cracked
Winsoft SimpleMAPI Component Suite 3.3 for Delphi 7 - 10.3 Rio Cracked

Delphi and C++ Builder components you can use
to add messaging functionality to your applications.

uses standard Windows SimpleMAPI API
compatible with MS Outlook, Outlook Express, Mozilla Thunderbird and other email clients
available for Delphi/C++ Builder 5 - 10.3 and Lazarus 2.0
source code included in registered version
distributing components in applications is royalty free
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