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Devart UniDAC v10.2 Professional for Delphi 7 - 12 Athens

Devart UniDAC v10.2 Professional for Delphi 7 - 12 Athens
Devart UniDAC v10.2 Professional for Delphi 7 - 12 Athens

Universal Data Access Components (UniDAC) is a powerful library of nonvisual cross-database data access components for Delphi, Delphi for .NET, C++Builder, and Lazarus (Free Pascal). We have combined the experience of long-term successful development into one product, which provides unified access to the popular database servers like Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, InterBase, Firebird, PostgreSQL, SQLite, DB2, Microsoft Access, Sybase Advantage Database Server, Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise, and other databases (using ODBC provider).
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TMS Echo v1.11.3.4 Full Source for Delphi XE2 - Delphi 12 Athens

TMS Echo v1.11.3.4 Full Source for Delphi XE2 - Delphi 12 Athens
TMS Echo v1.11.3.4 Full Source for Delphi XE2 - Delphi 12 Athens

TMS Echo is a Delphi framework for data replication. It's part of TMS Business product line, and it's relies on TMS Aurelius to function. It allows you to have two or more databases and synchronize data between them. Changes you make to one client database (inserts, updates, deletes) can be sent to another database. It's bidirectional, so you can send and receive changes between databases.
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Devart Excel Addins v2.9.1323.0 + Crack

Devart Excel Addins v2.9.1323.0 + Crack
Devart Excel Addins v2.9.1323.0 + Crack

Devart Excel Add-ins allow you to work with database and cloud data in Microsoft Excel as with usual Excel spreadsheets. With Devart Excel Add-ins you can get exactly the data you need with visual Query Builder or with SQL and refresh the queried external data in a workbook any time with a single click. External data can be edited as you usually do it in Excel, and then saved back to the data source.
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TMS RemoteDB v2.17.3.4 Full Source for DXE2-D12 Athens

TMS RemoteDB v2.17.3.4 Full Source for DXE2-D12 Athens
TMS RemoteDB v2.17.3.4 Full Source for DXE2-D12 Athens

The RemoteDB Server is a Delphi application/service that listen to http requests. When clients perform requests, the RemoteDB Server will forward the requests to the actual database server being used, using the specified database-access component. The SQL is performed and the results are returned back to the client. You can choose the components that will perform the SQL statements from a wide-range of options such as FireDac, dbExpress, dbGo (ADO), among others, using component adapters. The SQL database can be any database server supported by the components used, and must be thread-safe (most are).
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