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ServiceStack.Text 5.4

ServiceStack.Text 5.4
ServiceStack.Text 5.4

ServiceStack.Text .NET's missing high-performance utility belt. Deep inside all of ServiceStack's premium libraries lies a high-performance core containing all of ServiceStack's super text powers. Centered around .NET's fastest full-featured JSON Serializer is a convenient utility belt containing 100's of extensions enhancing .NET's built-in String, Stream, Bytes, List, Dictionary, Reflection, Task, WebRequest types and more.
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NFC Library for Android 5.3 Full Source

NFC Library for Android 5.3 Full Source
NFC Library for Android 5.3 Full Source

Delphi and C++ Builder NFC library for Android.
uses Android NFC API
provides reading, writing and formatting NFC tags
provides Android Beam data transfer
supports ISO-DEP, NDEF, NFC-A, NFC-B, NFC-F, NFC-V, MIFARE Classic and MIFARE Ultralight tags
available for Delphi/C++ Builder XE7 - 10.2
source code included in registered version
royalty free distribution in applications
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Jollans Multi-Language 6.02.0046 for Visual Studio 2002-2017

Jollans Multi-Language 6.02.0046 for Visual Studio 2002-2017
Jollans Multi-Language 6.02.0046 for Visual Studio 2002-2017

Multi-Language for Visual Studio provides extended support for creating localized applications using Microsoft Visual Studio. The supported application types are

Windows Forms
Windows Store Apps
Compact Framework
MFC (unmanaged C++)
The product is implemented as a Visual Studio Package, which means that it is tightly integrated into the development environment itself. The localization support is based on the built in localization support in Visual Studio and in the .NET environment.
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NDepend v2018.1.1.9040

NDepend v2018.1.1.9040
NDepend v2018.1.1.9040

NDepend is the only Visual Studio extension that is able to tell the developer that over the past hour, the code just written has introduced debt that would cost for example about 30 minutes should it have to be repaid later. Knowing this, the developer can fix the code before even committing it to the source control.
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Jollans Multi-Language 6.02.0043 for Visual Studio 2002-2017

Jollans Multi-Language 6.02.0043 for Visual Studio 2002-2017
Jollans Multi-Language 6.02.0043 for Visual Studio 2002-2017

Multi-Language for Visual Studio provides extended support for creating localized applications using Microsoft Visual Studio. The supported application types are

Windows Forms
Windows Store Apps
Compact Framework
MFC (unmanaged C++)
The product is implemented as a Visual Studio Package, which means that it is tightly integrated into the development environment itself. The localization support is based on the built in localization support in Visual Studio and in the .NET environment.
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Forms9Patch v1.2.0.3 for Xamarin

Forms9Patch v1.2.0.3 for Xamarin
Forms9Patch v1.2.0.3 for Xamarin

Xamarin Forms is great for developing apps on Android and iOS but it is missing some important features:

Scalable images
PCL and SharedLibrary, multi-screen / multi-resolution image management
HTML formatted text for labels and buttons
PCL and SharedLibrary custom font management
Android developers can use NinePatch bitmaps, the drawable directory naming convention, Html.FromHtml, and a bunch of complex file manipulations to address the image issue. Likewise, iOS developers can use ResizeableImageWithCapInsets, the @2x, @3x, @4x file naming convention, and some 3rd party libraries for this purpose. Forms 9 Patch enhances Xamarin Forms to make multi-resolution / multi-screen image management, custom fonts, and HTML text formatting easy for PCL and Shared Library apps for iOS and Android.
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