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VisualGDB Ultimate Edition

VisualGDB Ultimate Edition
VisualGDB Ultimate Edition

Cross-platform development with Visual Studio easy and comfortable. It supports:

Barebone embedded systems and IoT modules (see full list)
C/C++ Linux Applications
Native Android Apps and Libraries
Raspberry Pi and other Linux boards
Linux kernel modules (separate VisualKernel product)
Target your own devices and platforms with Extensibility API
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Liquid Studio 2021 v19.0.12.10977

Liquid Studio 2021 v19.0.12.10977
Liquid Studio 2021 v19.0.12.10977

Liquid Studio provides an advanced toolkit for XML and JSON development along with Data Mapping and transformation tools. The Development Environment contains a complete set of tools for designing XML and JSON data structures and schemas. These tools provide editing, validating and advanced transformation capabilities. For novice or expert, the intuitive interface and comprehensive features will help you save time and money delivering a successful project.
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TMS FNC Chart v1.7.5.8 Full Source for RAD Studio XE8-11 Alexandria

TMS FNC Chart v1.7.5.8 Full Source for RAD Studio XE8-11 Alexandria
TMS FNC Chart v1.7.5.8 Full Source for RAD Studio XE8-11 Alexandria

Fully cross-platform chart component designed for business, statistical, financial & scientific data

for Delphi XE7, XE8, 10 Seattle, 10.1 Berlin, 10.2 Tokyo, 10.3 Rio, 10.4 Sydney, 11 Alexandria, C++Builder XE7, XE8, 10 Seattle, 10.1 Berlin, 10.2 Tokyo, 10.3 Rio, 10.4 Sydney, 11 Alexandria, Visual Studio Code, (Professional/Enterprise/Architect) , Lazarus/FPC
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Runtime Flow for VS 2017-2022 v3.1.0

Runtime Flow for VS 2017-2022 v3.1.0
Runtime Flow for VS 2017-2022 v3.1.0

What code is executed when you press a button in your application? This is what Runtime Flow lets you to see. Instantly, live! No jumping from method to method in IDE, no step-step-step-step in a debugger, not adding tracing statements to code. The moment you press the button, the answer is right here before you.
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EurekaLog v7.9.6.0 (D7/Tokyo/Rio/Sydney/Alexandria, 32/64bit) Patched

EurekaLog v7.9.6.0 (D7/Tokyo/Rio/Sydney/Alexandria, 32/64bit) Patched
EurekaLog v7.9.6.0 (D7/Tokyo/Rio/Sydney/Alexandria, 32/64bit) Patched

EurekaLog is the new Delphi and C++Builder exception tracer tool that gives your application (GUI, Console, Web, etc.) the power to catch all exceptions, memory leaks and detect infinite-loops and deadlocks. It generates a detailed log with the call stack at the point that raised the exception, showing unit, class, method and line number, (see this example), and displays it on screen and optionally sends it back to you via email or to a Web Server (using the HTTP-S/FTP protocols or sending directly to your preferred "Web Bug Tracker" software), thus helping speed up the process of bug-location and resolution by a factor of 10!
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TMS FNC Dashboard Pack v1.2.5.8 Source Code for RAD Studio XE8-11 Alexandria

TMS FNC Dashboard Pack v1.2.5.8 Source Code for RAD Studio XE8-11 Alexandria
TMS FNC Dashboard Pack v1.2.5.8 Source Code for RAD Studio XE8-11 Alexandria

TTMSFNCWidgetProgress: Circular progress indicator
TTMSFNCWidgetSetPoint: Value indicator with range & and setpoint
TTMSFNCWidgetMultiProgress: Concentric circle based progress indicator for multiple values
TTMSFNCWidgetDistributionIndicator: Values distribution indicator in various modes: donut, pie, horiz. bar, vert. bar, funnel
TTMSFNCWidgetMarqueeProgress: Continuous running or marquee style progress indicator
TTMSFNCWidgetLCDLabel: 7-segment LCD based value indicator
TTMSFNCWidgetGauge: Highly configureable gauge control
TTMSFNCWidgetArrow: Arrow control for indicating trends via arrow up/down
TTMSFNCWidgetTrendIndicator: Trend-indicator chart control with line, area & bar type
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TMS FNC Blox v2.0.5.5 Full Source for RAD Studio XE7-11 Alexandria

TMS FNC Blox v2.0.5.5 Full Source for RAD Studio XE7-11 Alexandria
TMS FNC Blox v2.0.5.5 Full Source for RAD Studio XE7-11 Alexandria

High-quality (anti-aliasing) drawing of blocks and lines
Open architecture for building custom blocks and lines inherited from base classes
Ready-to-use flowchart, arrow and electric blocks
Linking system allow customizable link points and information retrieval of connected blocks
Block gradient, shadow and bitmap
Full block customization: pen, brush, color, selection color, minimum width and height
Block text customization: horizontal and vertical alignment, font, word wrap, clipping
Customizable link points in blocks
Full line (link) customization: pen, source arrow shape, target arrow shape
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Softgroup .Net Forms Resize 11.0

Softgroup .Net Forms Resize 11.0
Softgroup .Net Forms Resize 11.0

Softgroup .Net Forms Resize is a fast, small and lightweight .NET component that gives your applications resolution independence. Softgroup .Net Forms Resize automatically resize all controls and fonts contained in a .Net Windows Form as they are sized. Softgroup .Net Forms Resize is the most popular and multi award winning .Net component software for.
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Progress Telerik Reporting R3 2021 ( Retail

Progress Telerik Reporting R3 2021 ( Retail
Progress Telerik Reporting R3 2021 ( Retail

JustDecompile is available for free download individually, or it can be purchased with priority support as a part of DevCraft - the most comprehensive HTML5 and .NET toolbox. JustDecompile is fast. In fact, really fast. When tested against the leading competitors, for .NET framework decompilation time, JustDecompile came out 10 times faster than the leading commercial decompiler. Try it and verify the results for yourself.
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