ZylTimerNET » Developer.Team

ZylTimer.NET 1.28 - Timer .NET Component - Zyl Soft

ZylTimer.NET 1.28 - Timer .NET Component - Zyl Soft
ZylTimer.NET 1.28 - Timer .NET Component - Zyl Soft

ZylTimer.NET is a high resolution .NET timer class / component which provides a higher precision than the standard .NET Timer component.
.NET Timer component which ships with the .NET framework uses the Windows Message Queue to generate the Tick event. Due to this approach it's impossible to get accurate timer intervals smaller than 15 milliseconds.
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ZylTimer.NET 1.27 .NET Component

ZylTimer.NET 1.27 .NET Component
ZylTimer.NET 1.27 .NET Component

ZylTimer.NET is a high resolution .NET timer class / component which provides a higher precision than the standard .NET Timer component.
.NET Timer component which ships with the .NET framework uses the Windows Message Queue to generate the Tick event. Due to this approach it's impossible to get accurate timer intervals smaller than 15 milliseconds.
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